Math 518X Lecture topics, comments, assignments
Spring 2019
I'll put course materials here. Probably you should check a couple times each week to see if anything is added.
week of Jan 13 |
For week 1, we covered parts of chapter 1 in Teschl.
HW1 (Due Monday, Jan 27): Teschl problems 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.12(iii) and the following
For dx/dt = x(1-x) with x(0)= x_0,
Find the value of x_1, x_2 and T_- and T_+ for all values of x_0, as in Sec. 1.3 of Teschl. ALso find the solution by inverting F(x)=t.
Note that links to the Teschl book are on the 518X homepage.
Here are Lecture notes for Week 1.
week of Jan 20: |
Here are Lecture notes for Jan 22 (from Wan Ch. 1, 2) .
Here are Lecture notes for Week 2.
week of Jan 27: |
Here are HW 2 and projects .
Here are Lecture notes for Week 3.
week of Feb 3: |
HW3: (Due Feb 20) Perko: 1.2 3a; 1.3: 1ab, 5bc, 7c; 1.4: 2,4, 5ab; 1.5 1abc, 3
(This looks like a lot, but most are easy.)
Here are Lecture notes for Week 4.
week of Feb 10: |
Here are Lecture notes for Week 5.
week of Feb 17: |
Here are Lecture notes for Week 6.
I have also posted (above) what notes I could find for each week- some are not exactly what I did in class, (and not the neatest- sorry!) but at least it should help fill in some thing in case you missed a day.
HW4: Perko 1.6: 3,4; 1.7: 3bcf; 1.8: 2c, 6f (also find E^(At) for these 2); 1.9: 1bcd, 2d; 1.10:2
You can use Matlab, Mathematica, etc, if needed on 1.8-1.10 problems.
week of Feb 24: |
Here are Lecture notes for Week 7.
week of March 2: |
Here are Lecture notes for Week 8.
week of March 9: |
Here are Lecture notes for Week 9. (To be posted)
HW 5: (PLEASE USE THESE, NOT what I put on the blackboard!)
Perko: 2.2: 1 a,b (For a, skip the "Also" part and for b, ONLY do the "also" part)
2.3: 1 (This is an easy problem- don't overthink)
2.4: 1ac, 2bc (For these you can use a DE solver. Discuss where applicable, how the solution confirms Corollary 1 or 2 of that section.)
2.5: 5; 2.6 1a,b; 2.7 7 (THis is a difficult problem- feel free to group solve this. Look at problem 8 for clues on how to make an orientation making atlas)
For classes starting after spring break- check here for directions. I may use some video materials within Canvas which I will figure out how to use over the spring break.