
Computer Science 612
Course Policies and Requirements

Your grade will be based on your performance on the assignments, paper presentations and on class participation.

  • Assignments will be posted on the Assignments page on a regular basis. There will be about four to five homework assignments. They will consist of written problems (e.g., design an algorithm, prove a lower bound, extend or modify a result presented in class).
  • The paper presentations will involve reading research papers on a particular topic and giving a oral presentation that presents the work in some detail. It should also include a critical review of the work presented.
  • You are expected to attend class and participate in class discussions. Ask questions and share your ideas with the class.

Tentative Weights of homeworks and project

  • 60% -- 4 to 5 homework assignments
  • 30% -- 1 or 2 paper presentations
  • 10% -- Class Participation

Extra credit. There may be extra credit available in homework. In addition, class participation and other technical discussions are encouraged and will merit credit. 


You may discuss concepts with other students as well as consult other written sources. This does not mean that you can obtain the solution completely from these sources. You are expected to actually think through and fully understand problem solutions; thus, the solutions you turn in must be written individually. If you are unsure about how to approach a problem, you are welcome to meet me during office hours. If you get help from any source other than the text, be it a person or a book, you must reference the source. Plagiarism will be dealt with harshly.

Grading Scale

The tentative grading scale that will be followed in this course is :


Note : Fractional scores will be rounded up.