Com S 531
Each homework will appear below as it is assigned.
- Homework 1 Due January 29, 1999 Points Distribution
- Homework 2 Due February 5, 1999 Points Distribution
- Homework 3 Due February 12, 1999 Points Distribution
- Homework 4 Due February 19, 1999 Solutions and Hints Points Distribution
- Homework 5 Due March 5, 1999 Points Distribution
- Homework 6 Due March 12, 1999
- Homework 7 Due March 26, 1999 Solutions and Hints
- Homework 8 Due April 2, 1999 Points Distribution
- Homework 9 Due April 16, 1999
- Homework 10 Due April 23, 1999
- Homework 11 Due April 30, 1999 Solutions and Hints
Note: No solutions will be posted for the homeworks which are returned. If you are unsure of any solution, please contact the instructor or one of the TAs for help.
Here is the schedule for the final.
- Final Exam May 7, 1999 at 9:45 AM
Note: Please refer to Grading Information for course policies on collaboration and late submisssions. If you need help with the homework, consult the Weekly Schedule for instructor and TA office hours.