


 Due DateSolutions
Assignment 1Sep 7Sol 1
Assignment 2Sep 13Sol 2
Assignment 3Sep 20Sol 3
Assignment 4Sep 27Sol 4
Practice Problems 1Not Due 
Assignment 5Oct 12Sol 5
Assignment 6Oct 19Sol 6
Assignment 7Oct 26Sol 7
Assignment 8Nov 2Sol 8
Assignment 9Nov 16Sol 9
Assignment 10Nov 30Sol 10
Assignment 11Dec 7Sol 11

Homework policy

The homework must be submitted by noon on the due date. Any homework turned in after this time will not be accepted.

How to present algorithms?

Students often ask about the proper way to present algorithms. Here are four rules to remember --- they are taken from a handout for C.E. Leiserson's Algorithms course at MIT.

  1. Describe the algorithm in English.
  2. Specify the algorithm as a program in pseudocode, if clarity demands it.
  3. Argue the correctness of the algorithm.
  4. Analyze the running time of the algorithm.

You must do 1, 3, and 4 when you present an algorithm in your homework; we strongly recommend that you do 2 as well.