
Com S 330

Please make sure to check the Course News page on a regular basis to find out about class related news and announcements on new material that will be posted throughout the semester.

Course Books

Discrete Mathematics and its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen (6th edition)Required Text:


Reference Texts:

Discrete Mathematics by Kenneth Ross and Charles Wright (5th edition)

Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein (2nd edition)


Name Email Office Telephone Office Hours
Soma Chaudhuri chaudhur@iastate.edu 230 Atanasoff 294-8547 M 2 - 3; W 11 - 12 (or by appointment)


Teaching Assistants:

Name Email Office Office Hours
Gopalakrishnan Krishnasamy sgk@iastate.edu 145 Pearson T 12 - 1 pm
Lin Huan linhuan@iastate.edu 145 Pearson F 10 - 11 am


MWF 1 pm in 1011 Coover


R 10 am in 2104 Gilman

R 2 pm in 1810 Gilman



Send all questions for this course to cs330staff@iastate.edu

Please also remember that the email list for the whole class is cs330@iastate.edu


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