
Com S 331

Please make sure to check the Course News page on a regular basis to find out about class related news and announcements on new material that will be posted throughout the semester.

Course Books


Required Text: Automata and Computability by Dexter Kozen

Reference Texts: Elements of the Theory of Computation, by Harry Lewis and Christos Papadimitriou (2nd edition)

Introduction to the Theory of Computation, by Michael Sipser

Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation, by John Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani and Jeff Ullman.



Name Email Office Telephone Office Hours
Soma Chaudhuri chaudhur@cs.iastate.edu 230 Atanasoff 294-8547 MW 9-10

Teaching Assistants

Name Email Office Office Hours
Brian Patterson patterbj@cs.iastate.edu B06 Atanasoff W 4-5, R 12-1
Mike Rosulek mikero@cs.iastate.edu B06 Atanasoff W 12-2, R 2-3



MWF 8-9 in Science 102



Section A: T 10-11 in B29 Atanasoff by Mike Rosulek
Section B: T 9-10 in B29 Atanasoff by Brian Patterson
Section C: T 5-6 in B29 Atanasoff by Brian Patterson (unofficial)



Send all questions for this course to cs331staff@iastate.edu


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