
Com S 531
Grading Information


Your grade will be based on your performance on assignments, midterm, and final exams.

  • Assignments will be distributed electronically on a regular basis and will be due every Friday except on weeks of exams. There will be eleven homework assignments.
  • Midterms will be 50 minutes long and will be held during class periods. Midterms may be held in a larger room to allow for alternate seating --- we will keep you informed.
  • The final will be a comprehensive 2-hour exam.

Further information on the exams, including dates, can be found in the exam information page.

Weights of exams and homeworks

  • 20% -- Homeworks
  • 25% -- Exam 1
  • 25% -- Exam 2
  • 30% -- Final Exam

Extra credit. There may be extra credit available in both homework and exams. In addition, class participation is encouraged and will merit some extra credit, helping to push up grades in the borderline. 


In this course, you may discuss preliminary ideas for homework problems with other students. (Do not assume this is true in all your courses!) We expect you to actually think through and fully understand problem solutions; thus, the solutions you turn in must be written individually. Plagiarism will be dealt with harshly.

Late Submissions

Homework should be handed in class at 12 noon on the date due. Late homework is accepted only up to one class period after the deadline or until solutions are posted, whichever comes first. The penalty for a late submission is 25%. For example, if homework is due in class on Friday, it will be accepted after that until 12 noon on Monday for a penalty of 25%. 

Grading Scale

The tentative grading scale that will be followed in this course is :


Note : Fractional scores will be rounded up.