Com S 330
All Com S 330 exams will be closed-book and closed-notes. Scratch papers will be distributed. Calculators are NOT allowed.
Exam | Date | Sample Exam | Sample Solution | Exam Solution |
Exam 1 | Friday, February 25 | Sample Exam 1 | Sample Exam 1 Solution | Exam 1 Solution |
Exam 2 | Friday, April 8 | Sample Exam 2 | Sample Exam 2 Solution | Exam 2 Solution |
Exam 3 | Wednesday, May 4 | Sample Exam 3 | Sample Exam 3 Solution | Exam 3 Solution |
Exam 1
- 1:10-2:00 pm on Friday, February 26.
- Topics
- Logic (Rosen 1.1 - 1.7)
- Propositions
- Logical Operators
- Logical Equivalences
- Predicates & Quantifiers
- Rules of Inference
- Proof Methods
- Direct & Indirect Proofs; Proofs by contradiction
- Sets (Rosen 2.1 - 2.2)
- Countable and Uncountable Sets
- Set Definitions; Cartesian Products and Power Sets
- Set Operations
- Proofs of Set Properties
- Logic (Rosen 1.1 - 1.7)
- Each problem will be graded by the same instructor or TA like homeworks.
- This reference sheet will be handed out with Exam 1.
- A total of 120 points are possible (including 20 extra credit points).
Exam 2
- 1:10-2:00 pm on Friday, April 8.
- Topics
- Functions (Rosen 2.3)
- One-to-One and Onto Functions
- Composition of Functions
- Inverse Functions
- Properties of Functions
- Relations (Rosen 8.1, 8.5)
- Properties of Relations
- Equivalence Relations
- Equivalence Classes and Partitions
- Sequences and Summations (Rosen 2.4)
- Sequences
- Summations
- Cardinality
- Countable and Uncountable Sets
- Dovetailing and Diagonalization
- Induction and Recursion (Rosen 4.1 - 4.4)
- Mathematical Induction
- Variations on the Inductive Method
- Inductive and Recursive Definitions
- Structural Induction
- Each problem will be graded by the same instructor or TA like homeworks.
- A total of 120 points were possible (including 20 extra credit points).
- Functions (Rosen 2.3)