

Dec 13:

Exams have been graded and scores have been entered on WebCT. The median for the exam is 70 and the high score is 108. We will go over the exam solutions and hand out the exams at 2:15 PM Tuesday, Dec 14 in Gilman 1352. You may also come to my office to take a look at your exam.

Dec 9:

Solutions for homework 11 has been posted in the web.

Dec 8:

You can do the electronic submissions for the extra credit programming project now. Please refer to the turnin instructions for detail.

Dec 6:

Exam 3 will be held in class (1:10 to 2 or 2:10 to 3). Note that this will be a 50 minute exam.

There will be a review for the exam from 6 to 8 pm on Wednesday, Dec 8 in Hoover 1227.

The syllabus and practice exams have been posted, so make sure to go over them. Good luck preparing for the exam! If you need to meet any of us, and are not available during office hours, send a mail to the staff list ( and we will try to accommodate you.

Dec 4:

Sample exams for Exam 3 have now been posted on the Exams page. Note that there may be topics covered on these sample exams that will not be covered in your exam. The syllabus for Exam 3 has also been posted.

Dec 1:

There still seems to be some confusion about the schedule for Exam 3, which will be held in class on Friday, December 10. We will meet at the scheduled final exam time (Tuesday, Dec 14 at 2:15 pm) to hand out the graded exams and to discuss the solutions to the exam.

For those who may be interested, I'd like to clarify that this does not violate university policy about final exams, which states that final exams cannot be given during dead week. Since Exam 3 is not comprehensive and is a midterm exam that is worth exactly the same percentage of the total grade as the other midterm exams, it does not count as a final. University policy allows midterms during dead week.

Nov 30:

Homework 11 is now available. This is extra credit, so you need not turn it in. If you do turn it in, any points you get on this will be added to your total Homework score.

Nov 16:

Homework 10 is now available.

The programming project has been posted. It will be due on Friday, December 10.

Nov 11:

F04 exam1 solution, and F04 exam2 solution have been posted.

Since several people have conflicts with the new time proposed for Exam 3, we will go back to the initial plan of holding Exam 3 in class on Friday, December 10.

Nov 9:

Homework 9 is now available.

Nov 6:

Solutions for homework 7, homework 8, Sample Exam A - S03 exam 2, and Sample Exam B - F03 exam 2 have been posted in the web.

Nov 4:

The review session for Exam 2 will be held on Friday, Nov 5 at 5 pm in 2245 Coover.

Nov 2:

Exam 2 is on Monday, Nov 8 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm in Hoover 2055. The syllabus and sample exams have been posted. A review session will be held either Friday or Saturday evening. Details will follow.

Oct 29:

We have imported all the grades information of ComS 311 to WebCT. The students who register for ComS 311 can review their score from WebCT.

1.Go to WebCT, and log into this system with your user name and password.

2.Click the course link "Com S 311: Design and Analysis of Algorithms";

3.Go to "Student Tools" -> "My Grades". You can view the grades for your homework and exams in this page.

Any further questions, contact us at

Oct 22:

There will be no class next Monday and Friday to make up for the 2 night exams. Class will be held on Wednesday, Oct 27.

There have been some instances where students have copied solutions that were available on the internet. I would like to emphasize that this is considered plagiarism and will be dealt with very harshly. While I do allow students to discuss preliminary ideas with other students, the final solutions should be written individually. Copying solutions from the internet is no better than copying solutions from your fellow students.

Homework 8 is now available.

Oct 21:

If you have any concern or want to discuss the grading of problem 5, part a, of the middle term exam, please come to Yu (Mack) Cao's office hour (Mon, 8:00 to 10:00AM) or send him an email to make an appointment.

Oct 19:

The instructor's office hours this week will WF 10-11 instead of WF 3-4.

Oct 18:

Homework 7 is now available.

Oct 17:

Homework is now due on Tuesdays instead of Mondays to give you an extra day after the weekend to consult the instructor or TAs. So, Homework 6 will be due on Tuesday, Oct 19. Late homework will be accepted until Thursday.

Oct 12:

If you have not picked up your exam yet, you may do so during TA office hours or at recitation. Please add your scores again, in case there are any errors, and, if so, let us know. Also, if you want to discuss the grading of any particular problem, check the grader list given on the Exams page, and contact the appropriate person.

Oct 11:

Homework 6 is now available.

Oct 8:

Exam 1 has been graded and is available for pick up.

Oct 05:

Homework 5 is now available.

Oct 01:

Solutions for Homework 4 are now available.

Sep 30:

Practice problems have been assigned from Chapter 8. These need not be turned in but the material is covered in the exam.

Sep 28:

The review session for the first exam has been scheduled in Agron 2050 on Monday, Oct. 4 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Sep 27:

Syllabus for Exam has been set up. All the exam related information can be found in this page. The first exam has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 5. The second exam is tentatively scheduled for Monday, Novenmber 8 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm in Hoover 2055. The third exam will be held in class on Friday, December 10.

There will be a review session next Monday at 6 pm. The location will be posted later.

Note that the topics for the exam include counting and radix sort, which we covered today. In the first class, I had said that this would not be covered, so note the correction.

Sep 24:

The link problem for the Solutions for Homework 2 is being fixed. You can now check the link (Solutions for Homework 2) to get the solutions for homework 2.

Sep 21:

Solutions for Homework 2, Grades for Homework 2 are now available.

For the last problem in Homework 4 (P148 Excercise 7.1-1), you have the option to employ either the partition method used in the textbook or the partition method taught in the class.

Please note: Starting from homework 3, late homework, turned in at the wooden drop-box by noon on the Wednesday after the due date will incur a 25% penalty. No late homework beyond this time will be accepted. Please refer to Assignments Section in Course Syllabus page for detail

Sep 20:

Homework 4 is now available.

Sep 19:

Grades for Homework 1 is now available.

Sep 13:

Homework 3 is now available.

Sep 10:

Solutions for Homework 1 are now available.

Sep 7:

Homework 2 is now available.

Aug 31:

The points for the second and the third question of Homework 1 has been changed. Please note: The homework must be submitted by noon on the due date. Any homework turned in after this time will not be accepted.

Aug 30:

Homework 1 is now available.

Aug 25:

No recitations in the first week.

Aug 24:

The course homepage is up.