I teach or have taught the following courses:
AN S 2700: Foods of Animal Origin. (2-0) Cr. 2. F. Principles, practices and issues impacting the production, processing and preservation of safe, wholesome, nutritious, and palatable meat, dairy, and egg products. Product evaluation, classification, value, and utilization.
AN S 4600/5600: Science and Technology of Value-Added Meat Products. (2-2) Cr. 3. S. Physical, chemical and biological properties of meat important to achieving value-added meat product characteristics. Ingredients, technology and equipment used for processing, preservation and safety of cured meats, loaf products and fresh, cooked, dry and semi-dry sausage products.
ANS 5630: Advanced Processed Meats Technology. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Online. Physical, chemical and biological properties of meat important to processed meat product characteristics. Ingredients, technology and equipment used for fresh and cured meat products. Packaging, preservation and food safety issues critical to processed meat products are emphasized.
AN S 5710: Advanced Meat Processing Principles & Technology. (2-2) Cr. 3. Alt. F., even-numbered years. Physical/chemical relationships during processing. Effects of modern technology, non-meat additives and preservation techniques on quality and safety of processed meat. Laboratory demonstration of principles and technology.
FS HN 5110: Integrated Food Science. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Team-taught. Critical review of the key principles of food science and applications in the chemistry, microbiology, and processing of food. Understanding of the impact of processing on the quality of foods with respect to composition, quality and safety.