
Refereed Articles

27. Sheng S, Silva EM, Tarté R, Claus JR. 2025. Residual nitrite and nitrate in processed meats and meat analogues in the United States. Sci. Rep. 15:3269.

26. Cropp MS, Sebranek JG, Dickson JS,Walla AM, Houser TA, Prusa KJ, Unruh DA, Tarté R. 2024. Effect of nitrite-embedded packaging film on growth of Listeria monocytogenes in nitrite-free and conventionally-cured bologna. J Food Prot. 87:100361.

25. Cropp MS, Tarté R, Dickson JS, Shaw A, Houser TA, Prusa KJ, Sebranek JG. 2024. Nitrite-embedded film develops cured color in nitrite-free bologna sausage packaged following thermal processing. Meat Musc Biol. 8(1):17670.

24. Mao Y, Ma P, Li T, Liu H, Zhao X, Liu S, Jia X, Rahaman SO, Wang X, Zhao M, Chen G, Xie H, Brozena AH, Zhou B, Luo Y, Tarté R, Wei C-I, Wang Q, Briber RM, Hu L. 2024. Flash heating process for efficient meat preservation. Nat Commun. 15:3893.

23. Bludau SE, Crowley RI, Hauge BC, Tarté R. 2024. Modification and simplification of Rongey’s method for measurement of meat batter stability. MethodsX 12:102717. (PDF)

22. Nabwiire L, Shaw A, Nonnecke G, Talbert J, Muyanja C, Boylston T, Tarté R, Prusa K. 2023. Compliance with food safety standards by beef vendors at butcheries in Kamuli district, Uganda. Afr J Food Sci. 17:192–206. (PDF)

21. Nabwiire L, Shaw AM, Nonnecke GR, Talbert J, Chanes C, Boylston T, Tarté R, Prusa K. 2023. Beef handling practices among consumers in the U.S. Virgin Islands. J Food Prot. 86:100141. (PDF)

20. Cropp MS, Tarté R, Prusa KJ, Dickson JS, Shaw AM, Houser TA, Crowley RI, Reever LM, Sebranek JG. 2023. Impact of nitrite-embedded packaging film on quality and sensory attributes of alternatively-cured and nitrite-free bologna. Meat Sci. 204:109289.

19. Cho K, Tarté R, Acevedo NC. 2023. Development and characterization of the freeze-thaw and oxidative stability of edible rice bran wax-gelatin biphasic gels. LWT-Food Sci Technol. 174:114330. (PDF)

18. Kibler ND, Acevedo NC, Cho K, Zuber-McQuillen EA, Carvajal YB, Tarté R. 2022. Novel biphasic gels can mimic and replace animal fat in fully-cooked coarse-ground sausage. Meat Sci. 194:108984. (PDF)

17. Cruzen SM, Cetin-Karaca H, Tarté R, Sebranek JG, Dickson JS. 2022. Survival of Clostridium perfringensStaphylococcus aureusListeria monocytogenes and Salmonella enterica in alternatively cured ham during cooking and process deviations. LWT-Food Sci Technol. 163:113347. (PDF)

16. Cruzen SM, Cetin-Karaca H, Tarté R, Sebranek JG, Dickson JS. 2022. Survival of Clostridium perfringensStaphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enterica in alternatively cured bacon during cooking and process deviations. Meat Sci. 184:108687. (PDF)

15. Tarté R. 2021. Leveraging meat flavor understanding for product success. Meat Musc Biol. 5(3):7, 1–6. [invited paper presented at 71st Reciprocal Meat Conference of the American Meat Science Association; 2021, Aug 15–18, Reno, NV]. (PDF)

14. Powell MJ, Prusa KJ, Sebranek JG, Tarté R. 2021. Effect of citrus fiber addition on quality attributes of fully-cooked deli-style turkey breast. Meat Musc Biol. 5(1):35, 1–8. (PDF)

13. Lee YS, Tarté R, Acevedo NC. 2021. Synergistic effects of starch nanoparticles and chitin nanofibers on the stability of oil-in-water Pickering emulsions. Food Chem. 363:130301. (PDF)

12. Miller DK, Yoder LE, Lonergan SM, Sebranek JG, Tarté R. 2021. Compositional differences among types of mechanically separated chicken and chicken breast meat, and their influence on physicochemical attributes of frankfurter-type sausages. Meat Musc Biol. 5(1):33, 1–10. (PDF)

11. Lee YS, Tarté R, Acevedo NC. 2021. Curcumin encapsulation in Pickering emulsions co-stabilized by starch nanoparticles and chitin nanofibers. RSC Adv. 11:16275–16284. (PDF)

10. Tarté R, Paulus JS, Acevedo NC, Prusa KJ, Lee SL. 2020. High-oleic and conventional soybean oil oleogels structured with rice bran wax as alternatives to pork fat in mechanically separated chicken-based bologna sausage. LWT-Food Sci Technol. 131:109659. (PDF)

9. Ruther BL, Dickson JS, Prusa KJ, Tarté R, Sebranek JG. 2020. Effects of processing method and non-meat binding ingredients on batter stability, yield and texture of frankfurters. J Food Process Preserv. 44:14626. (PDF)

8. Cropp MS, Dickson JS, Tarté R, Sebranek JG. 2020. Use of nitrite-embedded packaging film for color stability of alternatively-cured, fully cooked bologna. Meat Musc Biol. 4(1):1–17. (PDF)

7. Miller DK, Acevedo NA, Lonergan SM, Sebranek JG, Tarté R. 2020. Rheological characteristics of mechanically separated chicken and chicken breast trim myofibril solutions during thermal gelation. Food Chem. 307:125557. (PDF)

6. Powell MJ, Sebranek JG, Prusa KJ, Tarté R. 2019. Evaluation of citrus fiber as a natural replacer of sodium phosphate in alternatively-cured all-pork Bologna sausage. Meat Sci. 157:107883. (PDF)

5. Wolfer TL, Acevedo NC, Prusa KJ, Sebranek JG, Tarté R. 2018. Replacement of pork fat in frankfurter-type sausages by soybean oil oleogels structured with rice bran wax. Meat Sci. 145:352–362. (PDF)

4. Powell MJ, Yuan C, Dzikamunhenga RS, Tarté R, Huff-Lonergan E, Lonergan SM, O’Connor AM. 2017. A systematic review and meta-analysis of tenderness metrics in control groups used in comparative nutrition experiments. Trans Anim Sci. 1:261–273. (PDF)

3. Usinger EL, Larson EM, Niebuhr SE, Fedler CA, Prusa KJ, Dickson JS, Tarté R, Sebranek JG. 2016. Can supplemental nitrate in cured meats be used as a means of increasing residual and dietary nitrate and subsequent potential for physiological nitric oxide without affecting product properties? Meat Sci. 121:324–332. (PDF)

2. Myers MA, Sebranek JG, Dickson JS, Shaw AM, Tarté R, Adams KR, Niebuhr S. 2016. Implications of decreased nitrite concentrations on Clostridium perfringens outgrowth during cooling of ready-to-eat meats. J Food Prot. 79:153–156. (PDF)

1. Tarté R R., Murano EA, Olson DG. 1996. Survival and injury of Listeria monocytogenesListeria innocua and Listeria ivanovii in ground pork following electron beam irradiation. J Food Prot. 59:596–600. (PDF)


Tarté R, editor. 2009. Ingredients in meat products: properties, functionality and applications. New York (NY): Springer Science + Business Media. 419 p.

Book Chapters

Sebranek JG, Tarté R, Zuber EA. 2024. Raw material composition analysis. In: Dikeman M, editor. Encyclopedia of meat sciences. 3rd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier. p. 361–369.

Tarté R. 2011. Meat protein ingredients. In: Philips GO, Williams PA, editors. Handbook of food proteins. Cambridge (UK): Woodhead Publishing. p. 56–91.

Tarté R. 2009. Meat-derived protein ingredients. In: Tarté R, editor. Ingredients in meat products: properties, functionality and applications. New York (NY): Springer Science + Business Media. p. 145–171.

Tarté R, Amundson CM. 2006. Protein interactions in muscle foods. In: Gaonkar AG, McPherson A, editors. Ingredient interactions: effects on food quality. 2nd ed. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. p. 195–282.