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Timeline for PD-APM
Phase One
- Begin to translate content from face-to-face professional development to web-based modules
- Adapt web platform as needed to accommodate needed features (audio, video, flash)
- Begin development of scoring and data management tools
- Field test first seven modules with Teacher Cohort 1
Phase Two
- Revise first seven modules using Teacher Cohort 1 feedback
- Field test revised first seven modules with Teacher Cohort 2
- Complete translation and development of web-based content for remaining professional development modules
- Complete development of scoring and data management tools
- Field test remaining five modules with Teacher Cohorts 1 and 2
- Revise all twelve modules using feedback from Teacher Cohorts 1 and 2
Phase Three
- Field test revised full professional development package with Teacher Cohort 3
- Make any final revisions to modules and scoring and data management tools based on Teacher Cohort 3 feedback
- Pilot study of full professional development package (modules and scoring and data management tools) with Teacher Cohort 4
- Complete project reports