Principal Investigator
Anne Foegen, Ph.D.
N162D Lagomarcino Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011
(515) 294-8373
Trainer (1/2008-present); Project Coordinator (9/2004-12/2007)
Jeannette Olson
N151 Lagomarcino Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011
(515) 294-1422
Project Coordinator (1/2004-7/2004)
Linda Impecoven-Lind, Ph.D.
Technology/Data Management Coordinator (1/2004-5/2005)
Sarah Hart
Technology/Data Management Coordinator (5/2005-5/2007)
Serkan Perkmen
Additional Support
Project AAIMS would not be possible without the support of additional graduate and undergraduate students who support the data collection, data entry, and general clerical needs of the project. Although it is not possible to recognize each of these individuals by name, we appreciate their work on Project AAIMS.