Professional Development for Algebra Progress Monitoring (PD-APM)

The PD-APM project was funded from 2009-2014 to build, refine, and pilot an interactive online professional development system for algebra progress monitoring. The system includes modules that provide educators with the skills and background knowledge to administer and score three types of algebra progress monitoring measures. In addition, it includes data management tools that provide teachers of beginning algebra with efficient and instructionally relevant data about their students' performance and progress over time.

PD-APM requires a moderate level of fluency with basic computer technology and internet-based learning. If you are not technologically proficient, we suggest that you complete the modules with a colleague who can provide any needed tech support.

The algebra measures in this system are appropriate for students learning Pre-algebra and Algebra 1 content.

The PD-APM Final Report can be downloaded as a PDF here

Demonstration Video

With brief assessments (less than 10 minutes) administered multiple times across a course, teachers can identify which students are demonstrating expected rates of improvement in their proficiency and which might require additional support or enrichment. PD-APM provides you access to the professional development needed to implement algebra progress monitoring in your classroom or district. To request trial access to the system and information about pricing, please visit our Contact Us page.

PD-APM was developed by researchers at Iowa State University and Clemson University. The research reported here was supported by the Institute for Education Sciences through Grant #R324A090295 to Iowa State University. The opinion expressed are those of the authors and do not represent the views of the Institute of the U.S. Department of Education. © 2013, All Rights Reserved.