2024 Publications

Nature Communications

  1. [abstract] Chiral and flat-band magnetic quasiparticles in ferromagnetic and metallic kagome layers
  2. [abstract] Semi-classical origin of the extreme magnetoresistance in PtSn4

npj Quantum Materials

  1. [abstract] New insight into tuning magnetic phases of RMn6Sn6 kagome metals

Physical Review B

  1. [abstract] Imaginary phonon modes and phonon-mediated superconductivity in Y2C3
  2. [abstract] Double-domed temperature-pressure phase diagram of CePd3S4
  3. [abstract] Erratum: Unusual coercivity and zero-field stabilization of fully saturated magnetization in single crystals of LaCrGe3 [Phys. Rev. B 107, 134437 (2023)]
  4. [abstract] Tuning superconductivity and spin-vortex instabilities in CaKFe4As4 through in-plane antisymmetric strains
  5. [abstract] Suppression of metal-to-insulator transition and stabilization of superconductivity by pressure in Re3Ge7
  6. [abstract] Single-crystal growth and characterization of antiferromagnetically ordered EuIn2
  7. [abstract] Band structure and Fermi surface nesting in LaSb2
  8. [abstract] Enhancement of the Curie temperature in single-crystalline ferromagnetic LaCrGe3 by electron irradiation-induced disorder
  9. [abstract] First-order structural phase transition at low temperature in GaPt5⁢P and its rapid enhancement with pressure
  10. [abstract] Inhomogeneous magnetic ordered state and evolution of magnetic fluctuations in Sr⁢(Co1−𝑥⁢Ni𝑥)2⁢P2 revealed by 31P NMR
  11. [abstract] Effect of Ni substitution on the fragile magnetic system La5⁢Co2⁢Ge3
  12. [abstract] Long-range magnetic order induced surface state in GdBi and DyBi
  13. [abstract] Band structure and charge ordering of Dirac semimetal EuAl4 at low temperatures
  14. [abstract] Erratum: Superconductivity and phase diagrams of CaK(Fe1−xMnx)4As4 single crystals [Phys. Rev. B 105, 214526 (2022)]
  15. [abstract] Anomalous temperature-dependent magnetization in the nearly collinear antiferromagnet

Physical Review Materials

  1. [abstract] La4⁢Co4⁢𝑋 (𝑋=Pb, Bi, Sb): A demonstration of antagonistic pairs as a route to quasi-low-dimensional ternary compounds
  2. [abstract] Incommensurate magnetic ordering and a possible structural transition in EuIn4

Communications Materials

  1. [abstract] Nodal superconductivity in miassite Rh17S15
  2. [abstract] Unexpected band structure changes within the higher-temperature antiferromagnetic state of CeBi

Communications Physics

  1. [abstract] Origin of charge density wave in topological semimetals SrAl4 and EuAl4

Journal of the American Chemical Society

  1. [abstract] Catalytic Hydrogenolysis by Atomically Dispersed Iron Sites Embedded in Chemically and Redox Non-innocent N-Doped Carbon
  2. [abstract] Giant Uniaxial Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy in SmCrGe3

Chemistry of Materials

  1. [abstract] Nanostructural Maze, Phase Diversity, and Coherent Growth in PbS-NaSbS2 Semiconductors

Inorganic Chemistry

  1. [abstract] Experimental Testing of the Theoretically Predicted Magnetic Properties for Kagomé Compounds in the Li–Fe–Ge System 

Acta Materialia

  1. [abstract] Tension-compression asymmetry in superelasticity of SrNi2P2 single crystals and the influence of low temperature

AIP Advances

  1. [abstract] 151Eu Mössbauer study of magnetic ordering in flux-grown ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic forms of EuCd2As2
  2. [abstract] Complex magnetic ordering in EuAl4–A 151Eu Mössbauer study

Review of Scientific Instruments

  1. [abstract] Measurements of nematic susceptibility with phase sensitive nuclear magnetic resonance in pulsed strain fields

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

  1. [abstract] Is La3Ni2O6.5 a Bulk Superconducting Nickelate?

Cell Reports Physical Science

  1. [abstract] Pressure-induced insulator-to-metal transition in the quantum spin liquid candidate lithium ytterbium diselenide

Advanced Electronic Materials

  1. [abstract] Pressure-Dependent “Insulator–Metal–Insulator” Behavior in Sr-Doped La3Ni2O7

Superconductor Science and Technology

  1. [abstract] Trapped flux in a small crystal of CaKFe4As4 at ambient pressure and in a diamond anvil pressure cell
  2. [abstract] Understanding vortex dynamics in CaK(Fe,Ni)4As4 and Ba(Fe,Co)2As2 single crystals under the influence of random point disorder

Physica C

  1. [abstract] On creep of trapped flux near Tc in MgB2 and CaKFe4As4

Applied Physics Letters

  1. [abstract] The magnetic states of a van der Waals ferromagnet CrGeTe3 probed by vector-field magnetic force microscopy

Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism

  1. [abstract] Comment on "Evidence Against Superconductivity in Flux Trapping Experiments on Hydrides Under High Pressure"  [preprint]

SciPost Physics

  1. [abstract] Single-gap isotropic s−wave superconductivity in single crystals AuSn4

Computational Materials Science

  1. [abstract] HTESP (High-throughput electronic structure package): A package for high-throughput ab initio calculations