I am interested in the phase diagram of cold dense QCD and its application to neutron stars. The core of a neutron star can host a soup of nucleons (known as nuclear matter) or quarks (known as quark matter).
I am a quantum field theorist with a broad range of interest. I have spent time researching strong interactions, large N gauge theories, the QCD phase diagram, effective field theory and formal aspects of lattice field theory. A major focus of my current research lies at the intersection of particle, nuclear and condensed matter physics. The effort in this area is directed towards exploring the interrelations between topological phases of lattice quantum field theory and that of quantum materials. This direction of research has ties with another research interest of mine relating to quark-Hadron/Higgs-confinement continuity. I also work on nuclear astrophysics where I am trying to build an understanding of the nuclear equation of state that can be helpful towards interpreting neutron-star mass radius observations and gravitational wave signals. And finally, I have worked on axion like dark matter particles and their interactions with plasma. Details of the projects are stated below.