Our group has the tools and expertise for synthetic inorganic and organic chemistry associated with catalysis.
Tools for synthesis and catalysis include Schlenk lines and gloveboxes for manipulation of air-sensitive materials and a solvent purification system. We have several systems for study of catalytic reactions, including an automated robotic catalysis platform. This system allows for computer-controlled solid, liquid, and gas manipulation, a multi-well reactor for parallel catalysis experiments, and process reactors for scaled-up data acquisition. We also have photolysis reactors, autoclave reactors, and medium-pressure NMR tubes for millimolar-scale reactions.
Within our research laboratory, we have a research grade infrared spectrometer with diffuse reflectance and ATR capabilities, including for in situ kinetic measurements. GC-MS and GC with autosamples are often used in conjuction with our high throughput catalysis platform. UV-vis spectrometers, including a low temperature stage, are also used for characterization and screening. We also have a GPC for polymer analysis.
In addition, we often use shared instrumentation in the Chemistry Instrumentation Facility. This includes 600 and 400 MHz NMR spectrometers, two single crystal X-ray diffractometers, and CHN analyzer.