Previous Positions

Director, ISU Geographic Information System (GIS) Support and Research Facility. 
Iowa State University GIS Support and Research Facility, Ames, Iowa. Direction and administration of the ISU GIS Facility and supervision of Facility employees; GIS coordination within all colleges and departments at Iowa State University (ISU), developing internal research and programs to help ISU faculty, staff, administrators, graduate and undergraduate students understand and use GIS; preparing and administering contracts for GIS and remote sensing work throughout Iowa State; keeping GIS planning efforts current; liaison with state of Iowa GIS organizations; represent ISU and the State of Iowa in the Iowa Geographic Information Council (IGIC),  MidAmerica Geographic Information Consortium (MAGIC), and AmericaView.  Assist the Dean of the College of Design to develop and support specialized GIS and remote sensing needs throughout Iowa State University and Iowa. (2/1997 to 9/2024).

Adjunct Assistant Professor,  Department of Landscape Architecture. 
Teaching graduate coursework  for the GIS Certificate program, disciplinary research, member of the ISU Graduate Faculty,  undergraduate GIS minor team, independent studies in GIS, and professional reviewer in the seven design disciplines. (2/1997 to 9/2004).

PI and Co-PI, Affordable and Innovative Housing Technolgies Project.
A $2.14 million project funded by the Iowa Economic Development Authority under four separate grants, investigating "high housing demand in rural communities fueled by ex-urban migration, growing acceptance of remote work, and rising costs of urban living," and incorporating post-natural disaster housing needs. PI of one of the four grants and co-PI on another, responsible for project leadership, management, and research projects. (7/2021 to 9/2024).

Associate Dean for Research and Outreach, College of Design, Iowa State University. 
The Associate Dean for Research and Outreach is the primary advocate and spokesperson for research and outreach activities within the college, and is responsible for stimulating, supporting and coordinating college-wide research and outreach. Responsibilities include assisting faculty and staff seeking sponsored funding for research and outreach efforts, monitoring potential funding sources, and integrating design scholarship into university research and outreach goals. (August, 2012 through July, 2022).

Associate Director, Institute for Design Research and Outreach (IDRO). 
Responsibilities include research and outreach support of College of Design faculty, staff, and students including leading the Institute for Design Research and Outreach, the research institute of the College of Design. Serve on the Dean’s administrative and executive teams.  Represent the College of Design on campus-wide research and outreach committees and initiatives and external research and outreach liaison with governmental, corporate, and citizen groups. (August, 2012 through July, 2022).

Director, Iowa State University GIS Graduate Certificate Program.
Managed applications, program of study, curriculum development, seminar, and mentoring for the ISU GIS Graduate Certificate program. (1/15 to 9/15)

Research Collaborator, Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management.
Research collaboration, teaching graduate independent studies in the GIS Certificate Program,  graduate students program of study committee member.  (2/97 to 5/12).

Manager, ISU Geographic Information System (GIS) Support and Research Facility.
Managing the ISU GIS data and software libraries; providing technical assistance to ISU GIS users, coordinating and providing GIS training within ISU; providing geographic data and other information to ISU faculty, staff, administrators, and graduate students; development of high priority GIS data layers for Iowa State; review and recommend GIS hardware and software for ISU; manage the ISU GIS site license, and other project specific tasks. (2/97 to 8/12)

Assistant Director, Office of Academic Information Technologies (AIT).
Assist Director of Academic Information Technologies (AIT); direct, manage, and supervise AIT’s ISU GIS Research and Support Facility, AIT Communications, and AIT Web Development Services; member of the AIT Planning Committee, AIT management team; AIT Project Management Team chair and facilitator; liaison with college IT coordinators. Assist ISU CIO in IT reorganization (7/04 to 7/05).

President, Professional and Scientific (P&S) Council, Iowa State University.
Lead the P&S Council in its mission to serve as a resource and as an advocate for ISU’s professional and scientific employees. The Council identifies and communicates the needs of its constituents to the administration, provides information and advice in response to those needs, and recommends to the administration policies and procedures that benefit P&S employees and assist in fulfilling the mission of the university.  Member of the President’s Advisory Committee on Budget and Planning, Strategic Planning Committee, and Strategic Planning Facilitation Group.  (Two terms from 6/03 to 6/05).

Vice President , Professional and Scientific (P&S) Council, Iowa State University
With the president, lead the P&S Council in its mission to serve as a resource and advocate for P&S employees. The Council identifies and communicates needs of its constituents, provides information and advice in response to those needs, and recommends to the administration policies and procedures that benefit P&S employees and assist in fulfilling the mission of the university.  (6/02 to 6/03).

Chairperson, Iowa Geographic Information Council (IGIC)
Lead the IGIC in its mission to act as a clearinghouse for GIS information and expertise in Iowa, encourage the development of open GIS standards, facilitate the voluntary exchange of data among GIS users in Iowa, encourage the use of telecommunications networks, including the Iowa Communications Network, for exchange of ideas improve policy makers' knowledge of GIS and related technologies, and serve as a focal point for intergovernmental efforts to receive additional funds, especially federal funds, for GIS development in Iowa. The Chairperson presides at all meetings of IGIC and is responsible for the implementation of the Council's decisions and is the chief representative of the IGIC with other organizations. (7/98 to 6/99 and 7/02 to 6/03).

Past Chairperson, Iowa Geographic Information Council (IGIC)
Lead the IGIC in its strategic planning initiatives. Serves as part of the IGIC Executive Committee implementing its mission to act as a clearinghouse for GIS information and expertise in Iowa, encourage the development of open GIS standards, facilitate the voluntary exchange of data among GIS users in Iowa, encourage the use of telecommunications networks, like the Iowa Communications Network, for exchange of ideas improve policy makers' knowledge of GIS and related technologies, and serve as a focal point for intergovernmental efforts to receive additional funds, especially federal funds, for GIS development in Iowa. (7/99 to 6/00 and 7/03 to 6/04).

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Geography & GIS Lab Manager, Drake University.
Teaching GIS lectures and labs for the Department of Geography and Geology; assisting in curriculum development for geotechnical series of courses; department involvement in campus-wide GIS initiatives; and working with other Drake faculty and staff to attract students and funding for the Drake GIS program. Classes taught include Geography 052 (sophomore level), Introduction to Geographic Information Systems; Geography 152 (senior level), Applications of Geographic Information Systems; and Geography 192 (senior level), Advanced Topics in Geography. Lab manager responsibilities include day to day management of the Drake University Geographic Information Technologies Lab including hardware and software purchasing and operations, hiring student staff for lab research and contract projects, administration of lab project contracts, writing grant proposals for lab projects, lab equipment, and program expansion. (8/93 to 5/98, promoted from instructor to adjunct assistant professor 2/96).

Geographic Information System Coordinator, Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
GIS coordination within all divisions of the DNR, with other Iowa state agencies, the federal government and other state governments, and representing the state of Iowa in the Iowa Geographic Information Council (IGIC) and the National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC); developing internal programs to help administrators and staff understand and use GIS across all DNR programs; preparing and administering contracts for GIS work throughout the Iowa DNR; managing the DNR GIS data and software libraries; liaison with the Iowa Legislature and citizens of Iowa regarding GIS issues; providing technical assistance to all DNR GIS users, coordinating and providing GIS training within the DNR, providing geographic data and other information to DNR staff, administrators, commissions, and legislators as required; development of high priority GIS data layers as specified in NRGIS Implementation Plan; keeping GIS planning efforts current; review and recommend GIS hardware and software for the DNR; and other project specific tasks. (1/87 to 2/97).

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Coordinator, Iowa DNR.
CQI coordination throughout the DNR; facilitating and leading CQI Steering Team and project improvement teams; facilitating strategic planning and team training; and representing the DNR's quality initiatives in Iowa state government and outside organizations.  Member of State of Iowa CQI coordinating committee.  (1/94 to 2/97).

Lecturer, Drake and Iowa State Universities.
Assisting in teaching lectures and labs for Community and Regional Planning 451X, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems at Iowa State University. Developed the Geographic Information Systems curriculum for Drake University Department of Geography and Geology. (1/93 to 5/93).

State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Planner, Iowa DNR.
Preparation of the 1988 Iowa State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) and yearly Action Plan reports for the National Park Service; conducting and coordinating all recreation-related studies and surveys; development and implementation of the Iowa Outdoor Recreation Facilities database; coordinating Land and Water Conservation Fund project review and scoring system; statewide recreation trails planning; County Conservation Board technical assistance; and liaison to the Iowa Legislature and citizens of Iowa regarding outdoor recreation issues in Iowa. (1/85 to 1/87).

Graduate Research Assistant, Land Use Analysis Laboratory, Department of Agronomy, ISU.
Supervision of land cover/land use database development for use in GIS, and preparation for several projects under contract at the Land Use Analysis Lab. (8/83 to 1/85).

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Landscape Architecture, ISU.
Developing FORTRAN computer programs and other related materials for use in landscape analysis and geographic information system courses at Iowa State and research work at the Land Use Analysis Lab at ISU. (8/83 to 1/85).

Research Consultant, Iowa Inter-Agency Research Council, in cooperation with the Iowa Conservation Commission and the Iowa Department of Soil Conservation, Des Moines, Iowa.
Development of detailed guidelines for the preparation of county land use inventories as required by 1982 Iowa legislation; development of computerized methods for compiling and analyzing county land use inventory data; development of computerized techniques for graphic presentation of data compiled from county land use inventories. (11/82 to 7/84).

Planning Assistant, Story County Planning Department, Nevada, Iowa.
Supervision and compilation of the 1983 Story County Land Use Inventory and accompanying land use policy revision studies. (5/83 to 8/83).

Data Specialist, Iowa Natural Areas Inventory (INAI), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Des Moines, Iowa.
Mapping information on endangered species habitats and significant natural areas in Iowa; developing report programs for computerized database. (7/82 to 5/83).

Data Specialist (Intern), INAI, TNC, Des Moines, Iowa.
Mapping managed natural areas and endangered species habitats in Iowa. (5/82 to 7/82).

Planning Aid (Intern), Iowa Conservation Commission, Des Moines, Iowa.
Resource inventory and analysis for Brushy Creek State Recreation Area; development of detail drawings for landscape demonstration area in Springbrook State Park. (5/82 to 7/82).

Secretary, University Recreation Services (URS), Executive Council, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Formulating URS policy, funding and budgeting approvals, and URS judicial appeals board. (9/80 to 5/82).

Undergraduate Research Assistant, Department of Landscape Architecture, ISU.
Aerial photo interpretation and classification of Iowa vegetation and landform types. (2/81 to 5/81).