Kane, K.L. 2024. Support and enhancement of the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) database. USDA. Principal Investigator. $17,900.
Kane, K.L. 2023. Support and enhancement of the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) database. USDA. Principal Investigator. $40,000.
Kane, K.L. 2022. Support and enhancement of the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) database. USDA. Principal Investigator. $40,000.
Evans, P., Robison, J., Kane, K.L. 2021. 3D Affordable Innovative Technologies (3D AIT) Housing Project. The Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA), Strategic Infrastructure Program (SIP) grant. Co-PI. $1,404,000.
Kane, K.L. 2021. Support and enhancement of the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) database. USDA. Principal Investigator. $40,000.
Kane, K.L. 2021. Research to Support the 3D Affordable Innovative Technologies Housing Project. Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA). Principal Investigator, (Co-PIs Pete Evans, Julie Robison, Carl Rogers, Daniel Kuhlmann). $100,000.
Kane, K.L. 2020. Support and enhancement of the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) database. USDA. Principal Investigator. $40,000.
Kane, K.L. 2019. Support and enhancement of the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) database. USDA. Principal Investigator. $43,000.
Kane, K.L. 2018. Support and enhancement of the Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) database. USDA. Principal Investigator. $40,000.
Kane, K.L, McNeely, R. 2016. “StateView Program Development and Operations for the State of Iowa, 2016”. AmericaView. $24,000.
Kane, K.L., 2016. Development and Implementation of Natural Resources Databases. USDA. Principal Investigator. $104,000.
Kane, K.L, McNeely, R. 2015. “StateView Program Development and Operations for the State of Iowa, 2015”. AmericaView. $25,000.
Kane, K.L., 2015. Development and Implementation of Natural Resources Databases. USDA. Principal Investigator. $92,000.
Kane, K.L. 2014. Developing an Historic Preservation Program at Iowa State University. Iowa Economic Development Authority, Des Moines, IA. $100,000.
Kane, K.L, Giglierano, J. 2014. “StateView Program Development and Operations for the State of Iowa, 2014”. AmericaView. $25,000.
Kane, K.L., 2014. Development and Implementation of Natural Resources Databases. USDA. Principal Investigator. $85,000.
Kane, K.L, Giglierano, J. 2013. “StateView Program Development and Operations for the State of Iowa, 2013”. AmericaView. $24,673.
Kane, K.L., 2013. Development and Implementation of Natural Resources Databases. USDA. Principal Investigator. $82,000.
Kane, K.L. 2013. Preliminary Services for a State Agency GIS Service Bureau. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. $8,000.
Kane, K.L. 2013. Geocoding County Infrastructure for the Iowa Geospatial Infrastructure. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Principal Investigator. $10,000.
Kane, K.L., 2012. Development and Implementation of Natural Resources Databases. USDA. Principal Investigator. $92,750.
Kane, K.L. 2012. Geocoding County Infrastructure for the Iowa Geospatial Infrastructure. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Principal Investigator. $120,000.
Kane, K.L. 2011. Geocoding County Infrastructure for the Iowa Geospatial Infrastructure. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Principal Investigator. $108,000.
Kane, K.L. 2011. Historical Aerial Photography for the Iowa Geographic Image Map Server. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Principal Investigator. $125,000.
Kane, K.L. 2011. Preliminary Services for a State Agency GIS Service Bureau. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. $273,000.
Kane, K.L. 2010. Establishing Web-based Resources within the Iowa Geospatial Infrastructure. Principal Investigator. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. $23,062.
Kane, K.L. 2010. Geocoding County Infrastructure for the Iowa Geospatial Infrastructure. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Principal Investigator. $66,874.
Kane, K.L. 2010. Multistate Aquatic Resources Information System (MARIS) Database Enhancement. Principal Investigator. $30,000.
Kane, K.L. and R.L. McNeely. 2009. Assessment of wildlife benefits of CREP projects in Iowa. U.S. Geologic Survey. Principal Investigator. $10,000.
Kane, K.L. 2009. Conservation Effects Assessment Project Database Development and Deployment. USDA. Principal Investigator. $60,000.
Iowa Geographic Information Council. 2008. Building Stewardship Capacity for Structures and Transportation Geodata within the Iowa Geospatial Infrastructure. Co-Principal Investigator. $50,000.
Kane, K.L. and R.L. McNeely. 2008. Assessment of wildlife benefits of CREP projects in Iowa. U.S. Geologic Survey. Principal Investigator. $10,000.
Kane, K.L. and D. Johnston. 2007. Multistate Aquatic Resources Information System (MARIS) website programming. Principal Investigator. $27,000.
Kane, K.L. 2007. Conservation Effects Assessment Project Database Development and Deployment. USDA. Principal Investigator. $176,000.
Kane, K.L., P.D. Brown, and R.L. McNeely. 2007. Historical Aerial Photography for the Iowa Geographic Image Map Server. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Principal Investigator. $30,000.
Iowa Geographic Information Council. 2007. Planning the Iowa Geospatial Infrastructure, $50,000.
Kane, K.L., P.D. Brown, and R.L. McNeely. 2006. Homeland Security Infrastructure Inventory. Iowa Emergency Management Division. Principal Investigator. $15,000.
Kane, K.L., P.D. Brown, and R.L. McNeely. 2006. Historical Aerial Photography for the Iowa Geographic Image Map Server. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Principal Investigator. $25,000.
Kane, K.L., and P.D. Brown. 2006. Web-based Stream Data Entry. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Principal Investigator. $13,400.
Iowa Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, 1999-2006. Iowa Rivers Information System. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Co-Principal Investigator. $200,000.
Kane, K.L., P.D. Brown, and R.L. McNeely. 2005. Historical Aerial Photography for the Iowa Geographic Image Map Server. Principal Investigator. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. $100,000.
Nutter, F.W., J.P. Basart, M.L. Gleason, Kane, K.L., and E.S. Taylor. 2004. Safeguarding American Agriculture from New and Emerging Diseases and Pests. A GIS and Web-based Disease Monitoring, Forecasting, and Information Delivery System. US Department of Agriculture. Co-Principal Investigator. $900,000.
Brown, P.D, K.L. Kane, R.L. McNeely. 2004. National Spatial Data Infrastructure Cooperative Grant, Metadata Training and Outreach Assistance. US Geological Survey. Principal Investigator. $30,000.
Kane, K.L., P.D. Brown, and R.L. McNeely. 2004. Historical Aerial Photography for the Iowa Geographic Image Map Server. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Principal Investigator. $110,000.
Kane, K.L., P.D. Brown, and R.L. McNeely. 2004. Homeland Security Infrastructure Inventory. Iowa Emergency Management Division. Principal Investigator. $50,000.
Kane, K.L., and Brown, P. 2004. Iowa Lakeside Lab, Summer GIS Course (taught by Patrick Brown), $5,500.
Kane, K., and Pierce, P. 2003. Aquatic Gap Analysis in Iowa. National Gap Analysis Program. Co-Principal Investigator. $60,000.
Kane, K., and Brown, P. 2003. Iowa Lakeside Lab, Summer GIS Course (taught by Patrick Brown), $5,500.
Kane, K. 2002. Iowa Prairie Passage, Iowa DOT / Landscape Architecture. Principal Investigator. $5,000.
Kane, K. 2002. Iowa DNR, Web delivery of Iowa State-wide color infra-red photography. Principal Investigator. $60,000
Kane, K., and Miller, M. 2002. GeoSpatial Technologies Learning Laboratory. Iowa State Computation Advisory Committee. Principal Investigator. $48,000.
Kane, K. 2002. Iowa Geographic Information Council, GIS RA & Web Administrator, $8,000
Kane, K., and Brown, P. 2002. Iowa Lakeside Lab, Summer GIS Course (taught by Patrick Brown), $5,500.
Kane, K., and Pierce, P. 2002. Aquatic Gap Analysis in Iowa. National Gap Analysis Program. Co-Principal Investigator. $102,000.
Kane, K., and Brown, P. 2002. Iowa Natural Areas Inventory, Internet Website & Database Mapping. Principal Investigator. $24,000.
Kane, K., and Pierce, P. 2001. Aquatic Gap Analysis in Iowa. National Gap Analysis Program. Co-Principal Investigator. $105,000.
Jungst, S., and Kane, K. 2001. Expanding Global Positioning Systems and Geographic Information System Education for Iowa State University Students. 2001 ISU Computation Advisory Committee Grant. Co-Principal Investigator. $56,065.
Kane, K., and Brown, P. 2001. Iowa Archeology Internet Map Service, Office of the Iowa State Archeologist. Principal Investigator. $5,000.
Suen, I, and Kane, K. 2001. Installation of ArcIMS Server in the College of Design to Serve GIS Data and Services. 2001 ISU Computation Advisory Committee Grant. Co-Principal Investigator. $10,800.
Kane, K and Williams, P. 2001. ISU Library / GIS Facility Cooperative Undergraduate GIS Learning Facility. 2001 ISU Computation Advisory Committee Grant. Co-Principal Investigator. $8,000.
Kane, K. 2000-2001. Statewide Historic Survey Database, State Historical Preservation Office. Principal Investigator. $49,000.
Kane, K. 2000. ISU GIS Facility Hardware Improvements. President's End of Year Funding Initiative. Principal Investigator. $45,000.
Klaas, E., and Kane, K. 1999. Regionalization and Accuracy Assessment of Iowa Gap Analysis Landcover Data. US Dept. of Environmental Protection. Co-Principal Investigator. $45,000.
Dept. of Animal Ecology & ISU GIS Facility, 1999. Science II GIS / Computing Lab. 1999 ISU Computation Advisory Committee Grant. Co-Principal Investigator. $65,000.
Kane, K.L. 1997-99. Enhancement of the Natural Resources Geographic Information System Library with Spatial Soil Resource Information. Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Principal Investigator. $99,000.
Klaas, E. & Kane, K, 1997-2000. Analysis of Biological Diversity Conservation in Iowa Using Geographic Information Systems and Gap Analysis. U.S. Geological Survey. Co-Principal Investigator. $447,900.
Kane, K.L. and the Iowa Geographic Information Council, 1997. USGS / IGIC Cooperative Agreement for GIS Coordination in Iowa. U.S. Geological Survey Competitive Grant Program. Principal Investigator. $6,000.
Kane, K.L. and O'Brien, D., 1997. Enhancing Geographic Information Technology at Drake University. Drake Faculty Improvement Grant. Co-Principal Investigator. $4,000.
GIS Task Force, Iowa Intergovernmental Information Technology and Telecommunications Committee. 1997. Establishing a GIS Infrastructure for the State of Iowa. General Services Administration. Co-Principal Investigator. $320,000.
Buising, C.M., Anderson, P.F., Henderson, L.L., Kane, K.L., and Rosburg, T.R. 1996. Use of Remote Sensing Technology in the Study of Prairie Biodiversity. Iowa Space Grant Consortium. Co-Principal Investigator. $25,000.
O'Brien, D., Ewing, R., and Kane, K.L. 1996. Establishing A Web-based Pedagogy for the Drake Department of Geography and Geology. Drake Faculty Improvement Grant. Co-Principal Investigator. $4,700.