Graduate Committee Member:
Yuxuan Tian, 2015 to 2016. Community and Regional Planning. Thesis: Public Transit Accessibility Analysis of HVC Holders in San Francisco Bay Area.
Kun Wu, 2015. Community and Regional Planning. Thesis:A Suitability Analysis for New Affordable Housing Locations in City of Des Moines, Iowa.
Deepanshi Jain, 2014 to 2015. Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering. Thesis: Spatiotemporal visualization of unit prices of major cost items of transportation projects across Iowa using geographic information systems (GIS).
Xin Tong, 2012 to 2014, Master of Community and Regional Planning. Professional Report: Trail Connectivity Improvement Between Communities and Lake Ahquabi State Park, Iowa.
Elizabeth Ford, 2011 to 2012, Master of Community and Regional Planning. Professional Report: Indoor Air Quality Evaluation for Centerville, Iowa 2012.
Jonathan Nelsen, 2012. Master of Landscape Architecture. GIS descriptive modeling of General Land Office surveyor tree data and spatial relationships with river valleys and their potential fire shadow effects in Polk and Dallas Counties, Iowa
Sunshine McDonald. 2005 to 2010. Natural Resources Ecology and Management.
Junggoth, Rittirong. 2008. Ph.D., Environmental Engineering. Dissertation: Spatial planning for secured landfill using an expert geographic information system. Khon Kaen University (Thailand).
Reungsang, Pipat. 2007. Ph.D., Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Dissertation: Application of SWAT model in predicting water quantity and quality for U.S. and Thailand Watersheds.
Skibee, Adam. 2006. Master of Landscape Architecture, Department of Landscape Architecture. Thesis: Urban growth and natural resource management in suburban Chicago.
Zhen Zhan. 2004. Master of Landscape Architecture. Thesis: The influence of scale on landscape analysis for resource management in the Milwaukee Road rail yard, Perry, Iowa.
Aluri, Rama. 2001. Master of Community and Regional Planning. Creative Component: Web based GIS and citizen participation.
Morgan, Steven. 2001. Master of Landscape Architecture. Thesis: Hydrologic modeling of overland flow within Little Beaver Creek watershed, Iowa.
Brown, Patrick. 2000. Master of Landscape Architecture. Thesis: Analysis of past and future urban growth impacts to habitat within Boone, Hamilton, Hardin, Marshall, Story and Webster counties in Iowa using FRAGSTATS and an urban growth model.
Mumm, Aaron J. 1999. Master of Community and Regional Planning. Creative Component: Hazard Analysis for the City of Des Moines, Iowa.
Musli, Said Mohd. 1999. Master of Landscape Architecture. Thesis: Descriptive Modeling of Historic Preservation Patterns in Hamilton County, Iowa.
External Graduate Committee Advisor:
Tessawat, Wunnarut, 2011. Sponsored Foreign Exchange, Thailand, Spring Semester.
Arbuckle, Kelly E. 2000. Master of Science in Animal Ecology, Limnology. Thesis: Statewide Assessment of Freshwater Mussels in Iowa Streams.
Clark, Steven J. 2000. Master of Science in Animal Ecology, Fisheries Biology. Thesis: Relationship of Topeka Shiner Distribution to Geographic Features of the Des Moines Lobe in Iowa.
GIS Certificate Advisor:
Milton, Emily. 2015. Anthropology.
Boydston, Brandon. 2015. Graduate Interdisciplinary.
Xu Xiaomeng. 2015. Community and Regional Planning.
Jain, Deepanshi, 2015.Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering.
Ford, Elizabeth. 2012. Community and Regional Planning.
Fountaine, Peter. 2012. Community and Regional Planning. Capstone Project. The Successes and Shortcomings of Using Geographic Analysis for Crime Prevention in Minneapolis.
Hill, Evan. 2010. History. Capstone Project: Developing an Imagery Interpretation Key Using LiDAR.
Schulte, Kelly. 2007. Business Administration. Capstone Project: City of Ames Clear Water Diversion Program.
Todorovic, Zoran. 2006. Community and Regional Planning. Capstone Project: Use of GIS Tools to Identify Critical Points for Assessment of Aquatic Ecosystem Health in Agricultural Areas and Potential for Natural Resource Management.
Reungsang Pipat. 2005. Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Capstone Project: A Web-Based GIS Decision Support System Demonstration for Identifying Potential Centralized Digestion Facility for Methane Recovery.