Ph.D. Graduation 2024
May 5, 2024
Tania returned to attend her Ph.D. hooding graduation ceremony.
International Conference on H/D Exchange Mass Spectrometry 2024
Apr. 22, 2024
Alexzandrea presented her research at the 4th IC-HDX conference in Monterey, CA.
Abby & Emily present posters at the 18th annual Stupka Undergraduate Research Symposium
Apr. 4, 2024

Tania’s Molecularly Imprinted Nanoparticles paper is out
Mar. 13, 2024
Our collaboration with Yan Zhao and co-workers at ISU Chemistry is now published in RSC Chemical Biology!
Congratulations Dr. Tania Palhano Zanela!
Jan. 12, 2024
Tania braved a blizzard and sub-zero temperatures to deliver an outstanding thesis defense.
Welcome Kallie Zuidema
Jan. 2, 2024
Kallie has joined the lab as a Biochemistry Ph.D. candidate. Welcome to the lab!
Abby wins a Linder Family Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Oct. 6, 2023
Abby was awarded the Linder Fellowship to pursue the research she proposed on kinase-membrane interactions.
New Preprint
Aug. 28, 2023
We're excited to share Tania's new preprint (and amazing TOC artwork) illustrating the use of molecularly imprinted nanoparticles to probe kinase mechanisms.
Summer 2023 ISU Research Experience for Teachers
Aug. 15, 2023
Our lab was honored to host Jenn Hanson for the 2023 summer ISU RET. She achieved so much, and her presentations were outstanding! Her students are lucky to have such a thoughtful and creative math teacher!
Congratulations Alexzandrea, Roy J. Carver Graduate Student Award winner!
April 6, 2023
Alexzandrea won the 3rd Year Graduate Student Award for our department. Congratulations for this well-deserved honor!
Activation loop phosphorylation tunes Pyk2 conformational dynamics
March 6, 2023
We're very proud of Tania, Alexzandrea, and Karen for their meticulous studies dissecting the structural dynamics underlying Pyk2 kinase activation. We're grateful to the reviewers and thrilled to see the work in press at Structure.

Welcome Emily, Rosa, Abby, and Madison
I forgot to update the website for years, but in the meantime several new undergraduate researchers joined the team, including Emily, Rosa, Abby, and Madison.
Karen wins poster award at 2022 Stupka Undergraduate Research Symposium
April 7, 2022
The whole lab is so proud of Karen for winning the 2016 Annual Stupka Symposium undergraduate research poster!

Congratulations Ciaran for Dean's High Impact Award for Undergraduate Research
March 25, 2022
Ciaran was awarded a College of Liberal Arts & Life Sciences Dean's High Impact Award for Undergraduate Research for her proposal on regulatory differences among paralogous protein kinases.
Welcome Karen Romero Bello
May 20, 2021
Karen joins the lab as a new Undergraduate Researcher from our Biochemistry program. Welcome to the lab!
Congratulations Tania!
April 2021
Tania has been chosen as the recipient of the ASBMB 2021 Graduate Student Equity and Inclusion Award, supported by the Minority Affairs Committee.
Welcome Alexzandrea Woudenberg
January 5, 2021
Alexzandrea joins the lab as a new Ph.D. student in our Biochemistry graduate program. Welcome to the lab!
Controlling Kinase Activities by Selective Inhibition of Peptide Substrates
Our collaborative work emerges in JACS. Come see how molecular imprinted nanoparticles enable controlled post-translational modification of proteins!

ASMS 2020 Conference
June 1, 2020
Tania represented the lab at the annual ASMS conference and presented a poster: Mapping activation mechanisms in proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 by H/D exchange mass spectrometry. Hooray!
Welcome Tania Palhano Zanela
Feb. 1, 2020
Tania joins the lab as a new Ph.D. student in our Biochemistry graduate program. Welcome to the lab!
Congratulations Hanna Loving, Ph.D.!
May 9, 2020
Congratulations to Hanna Loving for successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis!
Stupka Symposium 2019, Poster competition awards
April 13, 2019
Congratulations to Natalie and Sarah for winning poster prizes at the 2019 Stupka Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Thanks 2019 LAS Dean’s High Impact Award for Undergraduate Research!
April 13, 2019
Natalie and Sarah were awarded the Summer and Fall 2019 research award for their undergraduate project proposals! Congratulations, and thanks to the LAS College for this research support!
Conformational Dynamics of FERM-mediated autoinhibition of Pyk2
Aug. 23, 2019
We were excited to see Hanna's new paper show up in the Biochemistry RSS feed this morning!

Congratulations to Sarah, 2019/2020 Stupka Scholar
April 13, 2019
From the awards announcement: “The Rob Stupka scholarship is the most prestigious award available to BBMB undergraduate students. Stupka scholars are selected based on their research involvement, academic achievement, dedicated contributions and sustained leadership within the BBMB undergraduate program activities."
Congratulations to Quin Hanson for graduating as a Ph.D.
November 13, 2018
Quin begins an exciting new post-doctoral fellowship at the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences.
Sarah Zelle wins the Spring 2019 Dean's High Impact Award for Undergraduate Research
November 11, 2018
We are excited that Sarah’s undergraduate research proposal was awarded the Dean’s High Impact Award from the College of Liberal Arts and Science.
Calmodulin and phosphorylation control neuronal nitric oxide synthase dynamics
March 30, 2018
Our nNOS paper emerges in J. Mol. Biol. Come see how calmodulin induces conformational changes to activate NO production in nNOS. Phosphorylation tunes the inter-domain dynamics. Lots of allostery and HDX-MS data.

Congratulations new Linder Research fellows Sarah and Natalie!
March 08, 2018
Sarah Zelle and Natalie McClure were each awarded a Linder Family Undergraduate Research Fellowship for their project proposals.
BBMB Trivia Night
January 19, 2018
Another triumph at the departmental Spaghetti and Trivia Night! Our team eked out a win amidst fierce competition.
Neuroscience Research Day
September 23, 2017
Graciela and Hanna presented their research poster at the ISU Neuroscience Research Day. They injected the event with the glories of reductionist protein biochemistry.
Welcome, new Mass Spectrometer
August 31, 2017
The new Synapt G2-Si mass spectrometer is up and running for HDX-MS analysis in the ISU Protein Facility. Many thanks to the Carver gift, LAS, CALS, COE, VPR, and the dozens of faculty who made this instrument acquisition possible. Now let’s ionize.
Goodbye, terra cotta G-Nomes
July 24, 2017
Hello, new aluminum G-Nomes.

Thanks NSF!
July 06, 2017
The lab is honored to have been awarded a new NSF grant in support of our research in kinase activation complexes that tune plasticity in the post-synaptic density. We are so grateful to the MCB Division for this opportunity.
IC-HDX Sweden
May 15, 2017
Many thanks for the opportunity to present our research at the first International Conference for HDX in Gothenburg, Sweden. (Hat tip to the Swedes for those prawns on rye sandwiches). It was a fantastic event, and we eagerly await the next one in Banff, Canada 2019.
ASBMB Meeting
April 26, 2017
Congratulations to Jeff and Morgan for great dual poster presentations at the ASBMB 2017 annual meeting in Chicago. They held their own against the Comic Con roiling away in the neighboring conference hall.

Stupka Symposium
April 06, 2017
As promised Jeff and Morgan gave the first simultaneous research co-seminar at the 2017 Stupka Symposium. It was epic. Tyler and Graciela also presented at the poster session. Also epic.
Congratulations Hanna!
February 17, 2017
Hanna Wokpetah has been chosen as recipient of the 2017 Roy J Carver Department of BBMB Graduate Student Award for 3rd year students. Congratulations Hanna! Wield this new power responsibly.
Congratulations Morgan!
October 29, 2015
Congratulations to Morgan Barrett for being selected as one of the three 2016-2017 Stupka Scholars. We look forward to her research talk with Jeff at the 2017 Stupka Symposium.
Congratulations Jeff, Morgan, and Tyler!
July 14, 2015
From the Undergraduate Student Recognition Luncheon:
Jeff Carley and Tyler Gilbreath were awarded the Linder Family Undergraduate Research Fellowship.
Morgan Barrett received the Donald and Margaret Graves Scholarship
ASMS Meeting
June 15, 2015
We made it back from the American Society for Mass Spectrometry’s 63rd annual meeting in St. Louis. Quin presented his research poster, and Eric gave a talk highlighting Jeff’s work on neuronal nitric oxide signaling proteins.
Congratulations Flora Yen!
December 04, 2014
From the departmental announcement:
"Please join me in congratulating Adrienne Smith and Flora Yen as Stupka Scholars for the 2015-2016 academic year.
This prestigious departmental award recognizes students who have excelled in research and like Rob Stupka, have given generously of their time and energy in support of our undergraduate program activities. They are both very active in the BBMB club and on the 2015 Stupka Undergraduate Research organizing committee. Their leadership is highly-valued and they are both very deserving recipients."