
DanielaDaniela Dimitrova received her Ph.D. in Mass Communication from the University of Florida and her M.A. in Journalism and Communication from the University of Oregon. Before starting graduate school, she worked as a news anchor and news editor at Radio AURA, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. Currently Dr. Dimitrova is a Professor and Director of Graduate Education at Iowa State University where teaches Mass Communication Research Methods, Communication Technology and Society, World Communication Systems, and Political Communication courses. Her research interests focus on new media and political communication. Dr. Dimitrova's research has been published internationally, with more than 55 book chapters and refereed research articles in leading journals such as Communication Research, International Journal of Press/ PoliticsJournalism & Mass Communication QuarterlyJournalism StudiesTelecommunications PolicyEuropean Journal of Communication, and New Media & Society. You can see a complete list of publications from her vita.

Articles related to Dr. D's work:

"ISU Professor Examines Media Impact on Campaigns" (Ames Tribune) (pdf)

"Scholars Note 'Decay' of Citations to Online References" (Chronicle of Higher Education) (pdf)