Weather Effects on the Lifecycle of DoD Equipment Replacement (WELDER): A Plug-in for the BUILDER Sustainment Management System

Project objective:

Given increasing threats of extreme weather events, facility planners and policymakers need state-of-the-art information that projects long-term environmental risk and informs how these events may alter the replacement schedules and the performance profiles of individual facilities and their constituent systems and components. The BUILDER Sustainment Management System—the lifecycle management tool used by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to consistently and comprehensively assess and forecast facility conditions—does not currently consider vulnerability to extreme weather events. This project will develop an application programming interface (API) plug-in for BUILDER that allows users to visualize weather event projections and re-prioritize infrastructure maintenance and/or replacement schedules, and assess costs, according to the likelihood and severity of these events with and without adaptive response scenarios.


  • Bercos-Hickey E, Patricola CM, Gallus WA, Jr. (2021) Anthropogenic Influences on Tornadic Storms. Journal of Climate, 34 (22), 8989–9006.

Funded by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP)