


Nano-infrared imaging of epitaxial graphene on SiC revealing doping and thickness inhomogeneities

Selected as Featured articles by Appl. Phys. Lett. (link). 




We acknowledge support from the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER). (link).


Imaging TE exciton polaritons in atomic-layer WSe2 waveguides

Selected as Editors' Suggestion by Phys. Rev. B (link).


Tailor Plasmons in Pentacene/Graphene Heterostructures with Interlayer Electron Transfer

Highlighted by the Ames National Laboratory (link).


Nonplasmonic responses of graphene electronic boundaries

Our review paper is highlighted on the cover of the issue "2D Materials for Nanophotonics" of ACS Photonics. (link)

Real-space imaging of exciton polaritons

"Researchers image quasiparticles that could lead to faster circuits, higher bandwidths" by Phys.org (link), Iowa State news (link) and many others.


W. M. Keck award

"Iowa State physicists win W.M. Keck Foundation grant to develop nanoscope", by Iowa State news (link).

Light-exciton interactions in WSe2

Selected as Editors' Suggestion by Phys. Rev. B (link).


Graphene plasmons in Moiré superlattices

"Graphene: Plasmons in moiré superlattices" by Nature Materials (link).

Tunable hypobolic polaritons in graphene/hBN metastructures

(1) "Physicists fine-tune control of agile exotic materials" by ScienceDaily.com (link).
(2) "Graphene/hBN metastructure goes hyperbolic" by nanotechweb.org.
(3) "Tunable hyperbolic polaritons created with home-grown graphene" by delta.tudelft.nl

Ultrafast plasmon response of InAs

"How to control superfast surface plasmons" by Nanotechweb.org.

hBN Phonon Polaritons Imaging

(1) "Far Out! Making Crystals Ripple with Light" by LiveScience (link).
(2) "Crystals ripple in response to light" by Phys.org (link).
(3) "Light on Boron Nitride Creates Tunable Ripples" by spectrum.ieee.org (link).
(4) "Phonon polaritons propagate in 2D" by Nanotechweb.org.
(5) "Phonon Polaritons" by nanotechetc.com.
(6) "Vibrating Atoms with Light" by overclockersclub.com (link).


Grain Boundaries Mapping

(1) "Surface plasmons: a probe for graphene electronics" by Remi Carminati in Nature Nanotech. (Link).
(2) "Surface plasmons reveal grain boundaries in graphene" by nanotechweb.org, Physics World (Link).
(3) "Researchers use surface plasmons to see and study graphene grain boundaries" by graphene-info.com (Link).
(4) "Atomic ruptures in a conductive carbon net" by CeNS news, Germany (Link).


Graphene Plasmons Imaging

(1) "Plasmons spotted in graphene" by Physics World (link).
(2) "Plasmonic graphene controls rippling electrons" by newscientist.com (link).
(3) "Graphene Is a Tunable Plasmonic Medium" by Science Daily (link).
(4) "Researchers Demonstrate Existence and Ability to Tune Plasmons in Graphene" by azonano.com (link).
(5) "Scientists first to observe plasmons on graphene" by rdmag.com (link).
(6) "All eyes on flatland" by Stefan A. Maier appeared in Nature Physics. (Link).
(7) "Direct imaging of plasmons in graphene" appeared in 2physics.com. (Link).
(8) "Graphene's new look" appeared in All That Matters (link).