Welcome to the ISU Nano-Optics Group!
Our group is in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at Iowa State University. We are also associated with the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames National Laboratory.
We are dedicated to exploring nanoscale light-matter interactions in varieties of novel materials including graphene, two-dimensional materials beyond graphene, complex materials and so on. In order to beat the diffraction limit and explore optical physics of materials at the nanometer length scale, we take advantage of the advanced near-field and tip-enhanced techniques.
The main capabilities of our group include nano-optical imaging and spectroscopy from far-infrared to visible, 2D material fabrications and characterizations, and nano-optical modeling and simulations.
We welcome motivated graduate and undergraduate students at Iowa State University to join our group. We also welcome long-term visiting students or scholars to contact us for collaborative research. We currently do not have postdoc position opening available. Please feel free to contact Dr. Zhe Fei for more information.
We acknowledge funding support from U.S. Department of Energy, Ames Laboratory, W. M. Keck foundation, and National Science Foundation.
Selected publications
Fralaide et al. "Nano-infrared imaging of epitaxial graphene on SiC revealing doping and thickness inhomogeneities", Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 123103 (2024).
Luan et al. "Nano-infrared imaging and spectroscopy of hot-electron plasmons in graphene", Phys. Rev. B, 107, 085414 (2023).
B Iyer et al. "Nano-optical imaging of exciton-plasmon polaritons in WSe2/Au heterostructures", Nanoscale 14, 15663 - 15668 (2022).
Luan et al. "Imaging stacking-dependent surface plasmon polaritons in trilayer graphene", Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 024052 (2022).
Luan et al. "Imaging anisotropic waveguide exciton polaritons in tin sulfide". Nano Lett. 22, 1497-1503 (2022).
Qian et al. "Nonequilibrium phonon tuning and mapping in few-layer graphene with infrared nanoscopy". Phys. Rev. B 103, 201407 (2021).
Hu et al. "Tailored Plasmons in Pentacene/Graphene Heterostructures with Interlayer Electron Transfer", Nano Lett. 19, 6058-6064 (2019)
Hu et al. "Real-Space Imaging of the Tailored Plasmons in Twisted Bilayer Graphene", Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 247402 (2017) .
Hu et al. "Imaging exciton-polariton transport in MoSe2 waveguides", Nature Photon. 11, 356-360 (2017).