News Feed:
September, 2021: ENERG @ ISU received a two year research grant totaling ~ $314K to pioneer the technology for direct refurbishing of spent Li-ion batteries, and is working with partners including the City of Ames Electric, Conductix-Wampfler, and SunCrate Energy to demonstrate the proof of concept demonstration of our approach at a 40 kWh installation scale.
June 2021: Prof. Pint received an award as a Global Top 100 Visionary in Education by the Global Foundation for Education and Learning (GFEL) at a conference in Las Vegas, NV.
October, 2020: R&D Award WINNER!! Our team pioneered the conversion of CO2 into a class of valuable solid carbons and based on development of this work we were recently chosen as a WINNER for the prestigious R&D 100 awards!
July, 2020: ENERG@ISU is now set up! Come see our lab in the Applied Sciences Complex at Iowa State University where we are pioneering the next generation of energy devices and technology!