Benjamin Schrunk, Yevhen Kushnirenko, Brinda Kuthanazhi, Junyeong Ahn, Lin-Lin Wang, Evan O’Leary, Kyungchan Lee, Andrew Eaton, Alexander Fedorov, Rui Lou, Vladimir Voroshnin, Oliver J. Clark, Jamie Sánchez-Barriga, Sergey L. Bud’ko, Robert-Jan Slager, Paul C. Canfield and Adam Kaminski, “Emergence of Fermi arcs due to magnetic splitting in an antiferromagnet”, Nature 603, 610–615 (2022)
Kyungchan Lee, Daixiang Mou, Na Hyun Jo, Yun Wu, Benjamin Schrunk, John. M. Wilde, Andreas Kreyssig, Amelia Estry, Sergey L. Bud'ko, Manh Cuong Nguyen, Lin-Lin Wang Cai-Zhuang Wang, Kai-Ming Ho, Paul. C. Canfield, Adam Kaminski, “Evidence for large Rashba splitting in PtPb4 from Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy”, Phys. Rev. B 103, 085125 (2021).
Kyungchan Lee, Gunnar F. Lange, Lin-Lin Wang, Brinda Kuthanazhi, Thais V. Trevisan, Na Hyun Jo, Benjamin Schrunk, Peter P. Orth, Robert-Jan Slager, Paul C. Canfield, Adam Kaminski, “Discovery of a weak topological insulating state and van Hove singularity in triclinic RhBi2”, Nat. Comms. 12, 1855 (2021).
Na Hyun Jo, Yun Wu, Tha’is V. Trevisan, Lin-Lin Wang, Kyungchan Lee, Brinda Kuthanazhi, Benjamin Schrunk, S. L. Bud'ko, P. C. Canfield, P. P. Orth, and Adam Kaminski, “Visualizing band selective enhancement of quasiparticle lifetime in a metallic ferromagnet”, Nat. Comms. 12, 7169 (2021).
N. H. Jo, B. Kuthanazhi, Y. Wu, E. Timmons, T.-H. Kim, L. Zhou, L.-L. Wang, B. G. Ueland, A. Palasyuk, D. H. Ryan, R. J. McQueeney, K. Lee, B. Schrunk, A. A. Burkov, R. Prozorov, S. L. Bud'ko, A. Kaminski, and P. C. Canfield, “Manipulating magnetism in the topological semimetal EuCd2As2,” Phys. Rev. B, 101, 140402(R) (2020).
N. H. Jo, L.-L. Wang, R.-J. Slager, J. Yan, Y. Wu, K. Lee, B. Schrunk, A. Vishwanath, and A. Kaminski, “Intrinsic axion insulating behavior in antiferromagnetic MnBi6Te10,” Phys. Rev. B, 102, 045130 (2020).
P. Swatek, Y. Wu, L.-L. Wang, K. Lee, B. Schrunk, J. Yan, and A. Kaminski, “Gapless Dirac surface states in the antiferromagnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4,” Phys. Rev. B, 101, 161109(R), (2020).
S. Chen, M. H. von Hoegen, P. A. Thiel, A. Kaminski, B. Schrunk, T. Speliotis, E. H. Conrad, and M. C. Tringides, “High Layer Uniformity of Two-Dimensional Materials Demonstrated Surprisingly from Broad Features in Surface Electron Diffraction,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11, 8937–8943 (2020).
L.-L. Wang, N. H. Jo, B. Kuthanazhi, Y. Wu, R. J. McQueeney, A. Kaminski, and P. C. Canfield, Single pair of Weyl fermions in the half-metallic semimetal EuCd2As2, Phys. Rev. B 99, (2019).
Y. Wu, N. H. Jo, L.-L. Wang, C. A. Schmidt, K. M. Neilson, B. Schrunk, P. Swatek, A. Eaton, S. L. Bud'ko, P. C. Canfield, and A. Kaminski, Fragility of Fermi arcs in Dirac semimetals, Phys. Rev. B 99, (2019).
B. Schrunk, L. Huang, Y. Wu, D. Mou, K. C. Lee, N. H. Jo, and A. Kaminski, Design and performance of closed cycle sample cooling stage for angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy capable of reaching temperatures below 2 K., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 093105 (2019).
R. Khasanov, W. R. Meier, Y. Wu, D.-X. Mou, S. L. Bud'ko, I. Eremin, H. Luetkens, A. Kaminski, P. C. A. C. G. W. Canfield, and A. Amato, In-plane magnetic penetration depth of superconducting CaKFe4As4. Phys. Rev. B 97, (2018).
Y. Wu, G. Drachuck, L.-L. Wang, D. D. Johnson, P. Swatek, B. Schrunk, D.-X. Mou, L. Huang, S. L. Bud'ko, P. C. A. C. G. W. Canfield, and A. Kaminski, Electronic structure of the topological superconductor candidate Au2Pb. Phys. Rev. B 98, (2018).
L.-L. Wang, A. Kaminski, P. C. A. C. G. W. Canfield, and D. D. Johnson, Different Topological Quantum States in Ternary Zintl compounds: BaCaX (X = Si, Ge, Sn and Pb). Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 705 (2018).
P. Walmsley, C. Liu, A. D. Palczewski, P. Giraldo-Gallo, C. G. Olson, I. R. Fisher, and A. Kaminski, Direct spectroscopic evidence for mixed-valence Tl in the low carrier-density superconductor Pb1−xTlxTe. Phys. Rev. B 98, (2018).
P. Giraldo-Gallo, P. Walmsley, B. Sangiorgio, S. C. Riggs, R. D. McDonald, L. Buchauer, B. Fauque, C. Liu, N. A. Spaldin, A. Kaminski, K. Behnia, and I. R. Fisher, Evidence of Incoherent Carriers Associated with Resonant Impurity Levels and Their Influence on Superconductivity in the Anomalous Superconductor Pb1−xTlxTe. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 207001 (2018).
L. Pong, Y. Zhang, L. Ke, T.-H. Kim, Q. Zheng, J. Yan, X. G. Zhang, Y. Gao, S. Wang, J. Cai, B. Shen, R. J. McQueeney, A. Kaminski, M. J. Kramer, and L. Zhou, Relaxation Dynamics of Zero-Field Skyrmions over a Wide Temperature Range. Nano Lett. 18, 7777 (2018).
L.-L. Wang, N. H. Jo, Y. Wu, Q. Wu, A. Kaminski, P. C. A. C. G. W. Canfield, and D. D. Johnson, Phonon-induced topological transition to a type-II Weyl semimetal. Phys. Rev. B 95, 165114 (2017).
D.-X. Mou, A. Kaminski, and G. Gu, Direct observation of self-energy signatures of the resonant collective mode in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ. Phys. Rev. B 95, 174501 (2017).
Y. Wu, N. H. Jo, D.-X. Mou, L. Huang, S. L. Bud'ko, P. C. A. C. G. W. Canfield, and A. Kaminski, Three-dimensionality of the bulk electronic structure in WTe2. Phys. Rev. B 95, 195138 (2017).
L. Huang, Y. Wu, M. T. Hershberger, D.-X. Mou, B. Schrunk, M. C. Tringides, M. Hupalo, and A. Kaminski, Effects of moiré lattice structure on electronic properties of graphene. Phys. Rev. B 96, 035411 (2017).
Y. Wu, Y. Lee, T. Kong, D.-X. Mou, R. Jiang, L. Huang, S. L. Bud'ko, P. C. A. C. G. W. Canfield, and A. Kaminski, Electronic structure of RSb (R=Y, Ce, Gd, Dy, Ho, Tm, Lu) studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Phys. Rev. B 96, 035134 (2017).
N. H. Jo, Y. Wu, L.-L. Wang, P. P. Orth, S. S. Downing, S. Manni, D. Mou, D. D. Johnson, A. Kaminski, S. L. Bud'ko, and P. C. A. C. G. W. Canfield, Extremely large magnetoresistance and Kohler's rule in PdSn4: A complete study of thermodynamic, transport, and band-structure properties. Phys. Rev. B 96, 165145 (2017).
Yun Wu, Lin-Lin Wang, Eundeok Mun, D. D. Johnson, Daixiang Mou, Lunan Huang, Yongbin Lee, S. L. Bud’ko, P. C. Canfield & Adam Kaminski, Dirac node arcs in PtSn4. Nature Physics 12, 667 (2016), doi:10.1038/nphys3712
Lunan Huang, Valentin Taufour, T. N. Lamichhane, Benjamin Schrunk, Sergei L. Bud'ko, P. C. Canfield, and Adam Kaminski, Imaging the magnetic nanodomains in Nd2Fe14B. Phys. Rev. B 93, 094408 (2016)
Daixiang Mou, Soham Manni, Valentin Taufour, Yun Wu, Lunan Huang, S. L. Bud'ko, P. C. Canfield, and Adam Kaminski, Isotope effect on electron-phonon interaction in the multiband superconductor MgB2. Phys. Rev. B 93, 144504 (2016)
Yun Wu, Tai Kong, Lin-Lin Wang, D. D. Johnson, Daixiang Mou, Lunan Huang, Benjamin Schrunk, S. L. Bud'ko, P. C. Canfield, and Adam Kaminski, Asymmetric mass acquisition in LaBi: Topological semimetal candidate. Phys. Rev. B 94, 081108(R) (2016)
Daixiang Mou, A. Sapkota, H.-H. Kung, Viktor Krapivin, Yun Wu, A. Kreyssig, Xingjiang Zhou, A. I. Goldman, G. Blumberg, Rebecca Flint, and Adam Kaminski, Discovery of an Unconventional Charge Density Wave at the Surface of K0.9Mo6O17. Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 196401 (2016) [Editor’s Suggestion]
Ilya Belopolski, Su-Yang Xu, Yukiaki Ishida, Xingchen Pan, Peng Yu, Daniel S. Sanchez, Hao Zheng, Madhab Neupane, Nasser Alidoust, Guoqing Chang, Tay-Rong Chang, Yun Wu, Guang Bian, Shin-Ming Huang, Chi-Cheng Lee, Daixiang Mou, Lunan Huang, You Song, Baigeng Wang, Guanghou Wang, Yao-Wen Yeh, Nan Yao, Julien E. Rault, Patrick Le F`evre, Francois Bertran, Horng-Tay Jeng, Takeshi Kondo, Adam Kaminski, Hsin Lin, Zheng Liu, Fengqi Song, Shik Shin and M. Zahid Hasan, Fermi arc electronic structure and Chern numbers in the type-II Weyl semimetal candidate MoxW1−xTe2. Phys. Rev. B 94, 085127 (2016) [Editor’s Suggestion]
Lunan Huang, Timothy M. McCormick, Masayuki Ochi, Zhiying Zhao, Michi-To Suzuki, Ryotaro Arita, Yun Wu, Daixiang Mou, Huibo Cao, Jiaqiang Yan, Nandini Trivedi & Adam Kaminski, Spectroscopic evidence for a type II Weyl semimetallic state in MoTe2. Nature Materials 15, 1155–1160 (2016) , doi:10.1038/nmat4685.
A. Kaminski, S. Rosenkranz, M. R. Norman, M. Randeria, Z. Z. Li, H. Raffy, and J. C. Campuzano, Destroying Coherence in High-Temperature Superconductors with Current Flow. Phys. Rev. X 6, 031040 (2016)
Yun Wu, Daixiang Mou, Na Hyun Jo, Kewei Sun, Lunan Huang, S. L. Bud'ko, P. C. Canfield, and Adam Kaminski, Observation of Fermi arcs in the type-II Weyl semimetal candidate WTe2. Phys. Rev. B 94, 121113(R) (2016) [Editors’ Suggestion]
Minna Ärrälä, Hasnain Hafiz, Daixiang Mou, Yun Wu, Rui Jiang, Trevor Riedemann, Thomas A. Lograsso, Bernardo Barbiellini, Adam Kaminski, Arun Bansil, and Matti Lindroos, Laser angle-resolved photoemission as a probe of initial state kz dispersion, final-state band gaps, and spin texture of Dirac states in the Bi2Te3 topological insulator. Phys. Rev. B 94, 155144 (2016) [Editors’ Suggestion]
Daixiang Mou, Tai Kong, William R. Meier, Felix Lochner, Lin-Lin Wang, Qisheng Lin, Yun Wu, S. L. Bud’ko, Ilya Eremin, D. D. Johnson, P. C. Canfield, and Adam Kaminski Enhancement of the Superconducting Gap by Nesting in CaKFe4As4: A New High Temperature Superconductor. Phys Rev. Lett. 117, 277001 (2016)
Na Hyun Jo, Udhara S. Kaluarachchi, Yun Wu, Daixiang Mou, Lunan Huang, Valentin Taufour, Adam Kaminski, Sergey L. Bud’ko, and Paul C. Canfield, Anisotropic physical properties and pressure dependent magnetic ordering of CrAuTe4, Phys. Rev. B 94, 184413 (2016)
D. Mou, R. Jiang, V. Taufour, R. Flint, S. L. Bud'ko, Canfield, P. C., J. S. Wen, Z. J. Xu, G. Gu, and A. Kaminski, Strong interaction between electrons and collective excitations in the multiband superconductor MgB2, Phys. Rev. B 91, 140502(R) (2015).
A. Kaminski, T. Kondo, T. Takeuchi, and G. Gu, Pairing, pseudogap and Fermi arcs in cuprates, Philosophical Magazine 95, 453 (2015).
R. Jiang, D. Mou, C. Liu, X. Zhao, Y. Yao, H. Ryu, C. Petrovic, K.-M. Ho, and A. Kaminski, Electronic structure of Ce2RhIn8: A two-dimensional heavy-fermion system studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B 91, 165101 (2015).
D. Mou, R. Jiang, V. Taufour, S. L. Bud'ko, P. C. A. C. G. W. Canfield, and A. Kaminski, Momentum dependence of the superconducting gap and in-gap states in MgB2 multiband superconductor, Phys. Rev. B 91, 214519 (2015).
S.-Y. Xu, N. Alidoust, I. Belopolski, Z. Yuan, G. Bian, T.-R. Chang, H. Zheng, V. N. Strocov, D. S. Sanchez, G. Chang, C. Zhang, D. Mou, Y. Wu, L. Huang, C.-C. Lee, S.-M. Huang, B. Wang, A. Bansil, H.-T. Jeng, T. Neupert, A. Kaminski, H. Lin, S. Jia, and M. Z. Hasan, Discovery of a Weyl fermion state with Fermi arcs in niobium arsenide, Nature Physics 11, 748 (2015).
Yun Wu, Na Hyun Jo, Masayuki Ochi, Lunan Huang, Daixiang Mou, Sergey L. Bud'ko, P. C. Canfield, Nandini Trivedi, Ryotaro Arita, and Adam Kaminski, Temperature induced Lifshitz transition in WTe2. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 166602 (2015)
R. S. Dhaka, Rui Jiang, S. Ran, S. L. Bud’ko, P. C. Canfield, B. N. Harmon, Milan Tomi`c and Roser Valent´i and Adam Kaminski, Dramatic changes in the electronic structure upon transition to the collapsed tetragonal phase in CaFe2As2 in press, Phys. Rev. B 89, 020511RC (2014)
Rui Jiang, Daixiang Mou, Yun Wu, Lunan Huang, Colin D. McMillen, Joseph Kolis, Henry G. Giesber III, John J. Egan, and Adam Kaminski, Tunable vacuum ultraviolet laser based spectrometer for angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy, Review of Scienctific Instruments 85, 033902 (2014)
V. K. Anand, R. S. Dhaka, Y. Lee, B. N. Harmon, Adam Kaminski, and D. C. Johnston, Physical properties of metallic antiferromagnetic CaCo1.86As2 single crystals, Physical Review B 89, 214409 (2014)
R. S. Dhaka, S. E. Hahn, E. Razzoli, Rui Jiang, M. Shi, B. N. Harmon, A. Thaler, S. L. Bud’ko, P. C. Canfield and Adam Kaminski, Unusual Temperature Dependence of Band Dispersion in Ba(Fe1-xRux)2As2 and its Consequences for Antiferromagnetic Ordering, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 067002 (2013)
Lin-Lin Wang, Mianliang Huang, Srinivasa Thimmaiah, Aftab Alam, Sergey L. Bud’ko, Adam Kaminski, Thomas A. Lograsso, Paul Canfield and Duane D. Johnson, Native defects in tetradymite Bi2(Tex Se3−x ) topological insulators, Phys. Rev. B 87, 125303 (2013)
Abhishek Pandey, D. G. Quirinale, W. Jayasekara, A. Sapkota, M. G. Kim, R. S. Dhaka, Y. Lee, T. W. Heitmann, P. W. Stephens, V. Ogloblichev, A. Kreyssig, R. J. McQueeney, A. I. Goldman, Adam Kaminski, B. N. Harmon, Y. Furukawa and D. C. Johnston, Crystallographic, electronic, thermal, and magnetic properties of single-crystal SrCo2As2. Phys. Rev. B 88, 014526 (2013)
R. S. Dhaka, Y. Lee, V. K. Anand, D. C. Johnston, B. N. Harmon and Adam Kaminski, Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of BaCo2As2 , Phys. Rev. B 87, 214516 (2013)
Takeshi Kondo, Ari D. Palczewski, Yoichiro Hamaya, Tsunehiro Takeuchi, J. S. Wen, Z. J. Xu, Genda Gu and Adam Kaminski, Formation of Gapless Fermi Arcs and Fingerprints of Order in the Pseudogap State of Cuprate Superconductors, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 157003 (2013)
Abhishek Pandey, R. S. Dhaka, J. Lamsal, Y. Lee, V. K. Anand, A. Kreyssig, T. W. Heitmann, R. J. McQueeney, A. I. Goldman, B. N. Harmon, A. Kaminski, D. C. Johnston , Ba1-xKxMn2As2: An Antiferromagnetic Local-Moment Metal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 087005 (2012)
A. D. Palczewski, R. S. Dhaka, Y. Lee, Yogesh Singh, D. C. Johnston, B. N. Harmon, and Adam Kaminski, Experimental and theoretical electronic structure of EuRh2As2, Phys. Rev. B. 85, 174509 (2012)
Rui Jiang, Lin-Lin Wang, Mianliang Huang, R. S. Dhaka, Duane D. Johnson, Thomas A. Lograsso and Adam Kaminski, Reversible tuning of the surface state in a psuedo-binary Bi2(Te-Se)3, Phys. Rev. B. 86, 085112 (2012)
Takeshi Kondo, Yoichiro Hamaya, Ari D. Palczewski, Tsunehiro Takeuchi, J. S.Wen, Z. J. Xu, Genda Gu, Jörg Schmalian and Adam Kaminski, Disentangling Cooper-pair formation above the transition temperature from the pseudogap state in the cuprates,
Nature Physics 7, 21 (2011)
Utpal Chatterjee, Dingfei Aia, Junjing Zhaoa, Stephan Rosenkranz, Adam Kaminski, Helene Raffy, Zhizhong Li, Kazuo Kadowaki, Mohit Randeria, Michael R. Norman, and J. C. Campuzano, Electronic phase diagram of high-temperature copper oxide superconductors,
PNAS 108, 9346-9349 (2011)
Chang Liu, Yongbin Lee, Takeshi Kondo, Eun Deok Mun, Malinda Caudle, B. N. Harmon, Sergey L. Bud’ko, Paul C. Canfield, and Adam Kaminski, Metallic surface electronic state in half-Heusler compounds RPtBi (R = Lu, Dy, Gd).
Phys. Rev. B 83, 205133 (2011)
Chang Liu, A. D. Palczewski, R. S. Dhaka, Takeshi Kondo, R. M. Fernandes, E. D. Mun, H. Hodovanets, A. N. Thaler, J. Schmalian, S. L. Bud’ko, P. C. Canfield, and A. Kaminski, Importance of the Fermi-surface topology to the superconducting state of the electron-doped pnictide
Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2. Phys. Rev. B 84, 020509 (2011)
R. S. Dhaka, Chang Liu, R. M. Fernandes, Rui Jiang, C. P. Strehlow, Takeshi Kondo, A. Thaler, Joerg Schmalian, S. L. Bud'ko, P. C. Canfield and Adam Kaminski, What controls the phase diagram and superconductivity in Ru substituted BaFe2As2? Physical Review Lett. 107, 267002 (2011)
Takeshi Kondo, R. Khasanov, J. Karpinski, S. M. Kazakov, N. D. Zhigadlo, Z. Bukowski, M. Shi, A. Bendounan, Y. Sassa, J. Chang, S. Pailhés, J. Mesot, J. Schmalian, H. Keller, and A. Kaminski, Anomalies in the Fermi Surface and Band Dispersion of Quasi-One-Dimensional CuO Chains in the High-Temperature Superconductor YBa2Cu4O8, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 267003 (2010)
Takeshi Kondo, R. M. Fernandes, R. Khasanov, Chang Liu, A. D. Palczewski, Ni Ni, M. Shi, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, J. Schmalian, S. L. Bud’ko, P. C. Canfield, and A. Kaminski, Unexpected Fermi-surface nesting in the pnictide parent compounds BaFe2As2 and CaFe2As2 revealed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, Phys, Rev, B 81, 060507 (2010)
A. D. Palczewski and Takeshi Kondo, J. S. Wen, G. Z. J. Xu, and G. Gu, A. Kaminski, Controlling the carrier concentration of the high-temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ in angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy experiments Phys. Rev. B 81, 104521 (2010)
Chang Liu, Takeshi Kondo, Rafael M. Fernandes, Ari D. Palczewski, Eun Deok Mun, Ni Ni1, Alexander N. Thaler, Aaron Bostwick, Eli Rotenberg, Jörg Schmalian, Sergey L. Bud’ko, Paul C. Canfield and Adam Kaminski, Evidence for a Lifshitz transition in electron-doped iron arsenic superconductors at the onset of superconductivity. Nature Physics 6, 419-423 (2010)
R. Khasanov, Takeshi Kondo, M. Bendele, Yoichiro Hamaya, A. Kaminski, S. L. Lee, S. J. Ray, and Tsunehiro Takeuchi, Suppression of the antinodal coherence of superconducting (Bi,Pb)2(Sr,La)2CuO(6+x) as revealed by muon spin rotation and angle-resolved photoemission. Phys. Rev. B 82, 020511 (2010)
Chang Liu, Yongbin Lee, A. D. Palczewski, J.-Q. Yan, Takeshi Kondo, B. N. Harmon, R. W. McCallum, T. A. Lograsso, and A. Kaminski, Surface-driven electronic structure in LaFeAsO studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Phys. Rev. B 82, 075135 (2010)
M. R. Norman, A. Kaminski, S. Rosenkranz, and J. C. Campuzano, Comment on "Circular Dichroism in the Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectrum of the High-Temperature Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta Superconductor: Can These Measurements Be Interpreted as Evidence for Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking?", Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 189701 (2010)
Takeshi Kondo, Rustem Khasanov, Tsunehiro Takeuchi, Jörg Schmalian and Adam Kaminski,
Competition between the pseudogap and superconductivity in cuprates,
Nature 457, 296-300 (2009)
S. Straessle, R. Khasanov, T. Kondo, D. O. G. Heron, A. Kaminski, H. Keller, S. L. Lee, T. Takeuchi, Superfluid Density and Angular Dependence of the Energy Gap in Optimally Doped (Bi,Pb)2(Sr,La)2CuO(6+x).
Journal of Superconductivity and novel magnetism, 22, 189-193 (2009)
Chang Liu, Takeshi Kondo, Ni Ni, A. D. Palczewski, A. Bostwick, G. D. Samolyuk, R. Khasanov, M. Shi, E. Rotenberg, S. L. Bud'ko, P. C. Canfield, and A. Kaminski, Three- to Two-Dimensional Transition of the Electronic Structure in CaFe2As2: A Parent Compound for an Iron Arsenic High-Temperature Superconductor,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 167004 (2009)
R. Khasanov, Takeshi Kondo, S. Strässle, D. O. G. Heron, A. Kaminski, H. Keller, S. L. Lee, and Tsunehiro Takeuchi, Zero-field superfluid density in a d-wave superconductor evaluated from muon-spin-rotation experiments in the vortex state,
Phys. Rev. B 79, 180508 (2009)
Chang Liu, Takeshi Kondo, Matt E. Tillman, Ryan Gordon, German D. Samolyuk, Yongbin Lee, Catalin Martin, Sergey Y. Bud'ko, Makariy A. Tanatar, Jessica L . McChesney and Eli Rotenberg, Paul C. Canfield, Ruslan Prozorov, Bruce N. Harmon and Adam Kaminski, Electronic properties of iron arsenic high temperature superconductors revealed by angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). Physica C 469, 491-497 (2009) (Superconductivity in Iron-Pnictides issue)
P. Starowicz, C. Liu, R. Khasanov, T. Kondo, G. Samolyuk, D. Gardenghi, Y. Lee, T. Ohta, B. Harmon, P. Canfield, S. Bud'ko, E. Rotenberg, and A. Kaminski, Direct observation of a Fermi surface and superconducting gap in LuNi2B2C, Phys Rev. B 77, 134520 (2008)
A. D. Palczewski, T. Kondo, R. Khasanov, N. N. Kolesnikov, E. Rotenberg, T. Ohta, Y. Sassa, A. Fedorov, S. Pailhes, A. F. Santander-Syro, J. Chang, M. Shi, J. Mesot, H. M. Fretwell and A. Kaminski, Origins of large critical temperature variations in single layer cuprates, Phys. Rev. B 78, 054523 (2008)
T. Kondo, C. Liu, G. D. Samolyuk, Y. Lee, N. Ni, T. Kondo, A. F. Santander-Syro, S. L. Bud’ko, J. L. McChesney, E. Rotenberg, T. Valla, A. V. Fedorov, P. C. Canfield, B. N. Harmon and A. Kaminski, Momentum dependence of the superconducting gap in NdFeAsO0.9F0.1 single crystals measured by angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 147003 (2008).
C. Liu, G. D. Samolyuk, Y. Lee, N. Ni, T. Kondo, A. F. Santander-Syro, S. L. Bud’ko, J. L. McChesney, E. Rotenberg, T. Valla, A. V. Fedorov, P. C. Canfield, B. N. Harmon and A. Kaminski, The Fermi surface of Ba(1-x)KxFe2As2 and its evolution with doping , Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 177005 (2008).
R. Khasanov, Takeshi Kondo, S. Straessle, D.O.G. Heron, A. Kaminski, H. Keller, S.L. Lee, Tsunehiro Takeuchi, Partially superconducting Fermi surface in (Bi,Pb)2(Sr,La)2CuO(6+x),: evidence for competition between superconductivity and pseudogap from superfluid density studies, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 227003 (2008)
Takeshi Kondo, Tsunehiro Takeuchi, Adam Kaminski, Syunsuke Tsuda and Shik Shin
Evidence for two energy scales in the superconducting state of optimally doped (Bi,Pb)2(Sr,La)2CuO(6+x),
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 267004 (2007)
T. Kondo, R. Khasanov, J. Karpinski, S. M. Kazakov, N. D. Zhigadlo, T. Ohta, H.M.Fretwell, A. D. Palczewski, J. D. Koll, J. Mesot, E. Rotenberg, H. Keller and A. Kaminski, Dual character of the electronic structure in YBa2Cu4O8: conduction bands of CuO2 planes and CuO chains
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 157002 (2007)
U. Chatterjee, M. Shi, A. Kaminski, A. Kanigel, H. M. Fretwell, Terashima, T. Takahashi, S. Rosenkranz, Z. Z. Li, H. Raffy, A. Santander-Syro, K. Kadowaki, M. Randeria, M. R. Norman, and J. C. Campuzano, Anomalous dispersion in the autocorrelation of angle-resolved photoemission spectra of high-temperature Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x superconductors Phys. Rev. B 75, 172504 (2007)
U. Chatterjee, D. K. Morr, M. R. Norman, M. Randeria, A. Kanigel, M. Shi, E. Rossi, A. Kaminski, H. M. Fretwell, S. Rosenkranz, K. Kadowaki, and J. C. Campuzano, Dynamic spin-response function of the high-temperature Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x superconductor from angle-resolved photoemission spectra. Phys. Rev. B 76, 012504 (2007)
A. Kaminski, S. Rosenkranz, H. M. Fretwell, M. R. Norman, M. Randeria, J. C. Campuzano, J-M. Park, Z. Z. Li, and H. Raffy, Change of Fermi-surface topology in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta with doping. Phys. Rev. B 73, 174511 (2006)
U. Chatterjee, M. Shi, A. Kaminski, A. Kanigel, H. M. Fretwell, K. Terashima, T. Takahashi, S. Rosenkranz, Z. Z. Li, H. Raffy, A. Santander-Syro, K. Kadowaki, M. R. Norman, M. Randeria, and J. C. Campuzano
Nondispersive fermi arcs and the absence of charge ordering in the pseudogap phase of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 107006 (2006)
A. Kanigel, M. R. Norman, M. Randeria, U. Chatterjee, S. Suoma, A. Kaminski, H. M. Fretwell, S. Rosenkranz, M. Shi, T. Sato, T. Takahashi, Z. Z. Li, D. Hinks, H. Raffy, K. Kadowaki, and J.C. Campuzano,
Evolution of the pseudogap from Fermi arcs to the nodal liquid.
Nature Physics 2, 447 (2006)
A. Kaminski, H. M. Fretwell, M. R. Norman M. Randeria S. Rosenkranz, U. Chatterjee, , J. C. Campuzano J. Mesot, , J. C. Campuzano, T. Sato T. Takahashi, T. Terashima, M. Takano, K. Kadowaki, Z. Z. Li and H. Raffy
Momentum anisotropy of the scattering rate in cuprate superconductors
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A. Kaminski, H. M. Fretwell, On the extraction of the self energy from the angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy.
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T. Takeuchi, T. Kondo, T. Kitao, H. Kaga, H. Yang, H. Ding, A. Kaminski, J. C. Campuzano, Two- to three-dimensional crossover in the electronic structure of (Bi,Pb)(2)(Sr,La)(2)CuO6+delta from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 227004 (2005)
S.-C. Wang, H.-B. Yang, A. K. P. Sekharan, H. Ding, J. R. Engelbrecht, X. Dai, Z. Wang, A. Kaminski, T. Valla, T. Kidd, A. V. Fedorov and P. D. Johnson, Quasiparticle line shape of Sr2RuO4 and its relation to anisotropic transport. Phys, Rev. Lett. 92, 137002 (2004)
A. Kaminski, S. Rosenkranz, H. M. Fretwell, J. Mesot, M. Randeria, J. C. Campuzano, M. R. Norman, Z. Z. Li, H. Raffy, T. Sato, T. Takahashi and K. Kadowaki, Identifying the background signal in angle-resolved photoemission spectra of high-temperature superconductors. Phys. Rev. B 69, 212509 (2004)
J. C. Campuzano, A. Kaminski, S. Rosenkranz and H. M. Fretwell, Time reversal symmetry breaking? - Reply.
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S. Souma, Y. Machida, T. Sato, T. Takahashi, H. Matsui, S. –C. Wang, H. Ding, A. Kaminski, J. C. Campuzano, S. Sasakii and K. Kadowaki
Direct observation of superconducting gaps in MgB2 by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Physica C, 408, 102 (2004)