Zhijun Wu
- Professor
Contact Info
- BS, Computer Science. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, 1982
- PhD, Computational & Applied Mathematics, Rice University, USA, 1991
Work Experience
Postdoc Associate, Center for Applied Mathematics. Cornell University, USA, 1991-1994
Postdoc Associate. MCS Division. Argonne National Lab, USA. 1994-1997
Senior Scientist, Keck Center for Computational Biology, Rice University, 1998-2000
Associate Professor. Department of Mathematics, Iowa State University, 2000-2008
Full Professor, Department of Mathematics, Iowa State University, 2008-present
Research Interests
Numerical optimization, numerical linear algebra, evolutionary game theory, mathematical and computational biology: protein modeling and simulation, modeling of evolution and natural selection
Recent Publications
Evolutionary games
Zhijun Wu, Social distancing is a social dilemma game played by every individual against his/her population, PLoS ONE 16: e0255543, 2021
Zhijun Wu, Why multilingual, and how to keep it - An evolutionary dynamics perspective, PLoS ONE 15: e0241980, 2020
Min Wang, Wen Zhou, and Zhijun Wu, Equilibrium distributions of populations of biological species on networks of social sites. Journal of Biological Dynamics 13: 74-98, 2019
Yiping Hao and Zhijun Wu, Computation of sparse and dense equilibrium strategies of evolutionary games, Games 9, 46-60, 2018
Min Wang, Yuanyuan Huang, and Zhijun Wu, Simulation of yeast cooperation in 2D, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 78, 531-555, 2016
Protein Dynamics
Junkoo Park, Robert Jernigan, and Zhijun Wu, Coarse-grained NMA vs. refined GNM for protein residue-level fluctuations, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 75, 124-160, 2013
Peter Vedell and Zhijun Wu, A multiple shooting algorithm for solving the boundary value problems in molecular dynamics simulation, Numerical Analysi,s and Modeling 10, 920-942, 2013
Ajith Gunaratne and Zhijun Wu, A penalty-function method for constrained molecular dynamics simulation, Numerical Analysis and Modeling 8, 496-517, 2011
Di Wu, Steve Smith, Hanna Mahan, Robert Jernigan, and Zhijun Wu, Analysis of protein dynamics using local DME calculations, International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 1, 146-161, 2011
Di Wu and Zhijun Wu, Superimposition of protein structures with dynamically weighted RMSD, Journal of MoIecuIar Modeling 16, 611-622, 2010
Structural Bioinformatics
Yuanyuan Huang, Kejue Jia, Robert Jernigan, and Zhijun Wu, A Web server for protein structure evaluation using residue level angle correlation plots, In Proceedings of 2015 International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Springer, 2015
Yuanyuan Huang, Stephen Bonett, Andrzej Kloczkowski, Robert Jernigan, and Zhijun Wu, Statistical measures on protein residue level structural properties, Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics 12, 119-136, 2011
Feng Cui, Kriti Mukhopadhyay, Wonbin Young, Robert Jernigan, and Zhijun Wu, Improvement of under-determined loop regions of human prion protein by database derived distance constraints, International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 3, 454-468, 2009
Di Wu, Robert Jernigan, and Zhijun Wu, Refinement of NMR-determined protein structures with database derived mean force potentials, Proteins: Structure, Function, Bioinformatics 681, 232-242, 2007
Di Wu, Feng Cui, Robert Jernigan, and Zhijun Wu, PIDD: A protein inter-atomic distance distribution database, Journal of Nucleic Acid Research 35, D202-D207, 2007
Feng Cui, Robert Jernigan, and Zhijun Wu, Refinement of NMR-determined protein structures with database derived distance constraints, Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 3, 1315-1330, 2005
Molecular Distance Geometry
Zach Voller and Zhijun Wu, Distance geometry methods for protein NMR structure determination, in Distance Geometry: Theory, Methods, and Applications, A. Mucherino, C. Lavor, L Liberti, N. Maculan, Eds., Springer, 2012
Atilla Sit and Zhijun Wu, Solving a generalized distance geometry problem for protein structure determination, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 73, 2809-2836, 2011
Atilla Sit, Zhijun Wu, and Yaxiang Yuan, A geometric buildup algorithm for the solution of the distance geometry problems with the least-squares approximation, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 71, 1914-1933, 2009
Di Wu, Zhijun Wu, and Yaxiang Yuan, Rigid vs unique determination of protein structures with geometric buildup, Optimization Letters 2, 319-331, 2008
Di Wu and Zhijun Wu, An updated geometric buildup algorithm for solving the molecular distance geometry problem with sparse distance data, Journal of Global Optimization 37, 661-673, 2007