
HORT / FS HN 276Tannin

Understanding Grape and Wine Science

3 credits. Offered in the Spring semester.


This course will provide an introduction to viticulture (grape growing) and enology (wine making) and will help students understand more about the chemistry behind grapes and wine. Topics include grape biology and cultivars, vineyard management, geography of wine, wine production, wine classification, grape and wine chemistry, and wine sensory. This course does NOT include wine tasting, but students will taste wine components.




The learning goals of HORT / FSHN 276 course include, but are not limited to:

  • Describe the history, culture, regulations, and health aspects of wine
  • Explain the wine-growing regions of the world, including the United States and Iowa
  • Classify wine grape cultivars and describe their characteristics
  • List and describe the main environmental and viticultural inputs into wine production
  • Explain the processes and equipment involved in wine production
  • Describe the chemistry involved in wine production
  • Recognize the importance of sensory evaluation of wines