Chunoti Changwal joins the Baum lab as a post-doctoral Research Scientist
The Baum lab welcomes a new member to the lab on March 25, 2024, as Dr. Chunoti Changwal joins our team. Chunoti comes to us from from Oded Yarden's lab in Israel, where she worked on fungal biology and interactions for biomass conversion. We are looking forward to the expertise that Chunoti will bring to our lab in the field of plant pathology and plant molecular biology.
Anil Kumar joins the Baum lab as a post-doctoral Research Scientist
The Baum lab welcomes a new member to the lab on September 1, 2023, as Dr. Anil Kumar joins our team. Anil comes to us from from Sigal Brown Miyara's lab in Israel, where he worked on effector biology and plant response to nematode infection. We are looking forward to the expertise that Anil will bring to our lab in the field of plant and nematode molecular biology.
Baum lab celebrates Joffrey Mejias receiving a permanent position at CIRAD, Montpellier, France (July 2023)

Although sad to see him leaving our lab, we celebrate Joffrey's permanent position in Montpellier, with a cake and reception by the PPEM department! Bonne Continuation - Good luck and best wishes Joffrey!!
Thomas Baum is a Visiting Fellow of Clare Hall College at the University of Cambridge through September 2022
Thomas Baum is currently assigned to work at the University of Cambridge in England after having been named visiting fellow of Clare Hall College there. Thomas is conducting research in the Crop Science Center while in the research group of Dr. Sebastian Eves-van den Akker who is a fellow of the Department of Plant Sciences at the University of Cambridge. Thomas and Sebastian have many overlapping research interests targeting fundamental questions of host-parasite biology of different nematodes. The opportunity for collaborative work in Cambridge will also allow a comprehensive exchange of research ideas and the planning of joint initiatives going forward.
Ashley Althaus initiated into Gamma Sigma Delta's Iowa Chapter in Annual Awards Ceremony
Ashley Althaus, junior in agricultural systems technology of Sublette, Illinois, and member of the Baum lab as an Undergraduate Research and Greenhouse Assistant, was initiated into Gamma Sigma Delta’s Iowa Chapter during the annual award ceremony on April 21, 2022. Gamma Sigma Delta is the honorary society of agriculture. The organization’s objectives are to encourage excellence in the practice of agricultural pursuits and promote high standards of scholarship throughout agricultural science and education. Congratulations Ashley!
Joffrey Mejias joins the Baum lab as a post-doctoral Research Scientist (April 5, 2021)
June 15, 2021
The Baum lab welcomes a new member to the lab on April 5, 2021, as Dr. Joffrey Mejias joins our team. Joffrey comes to us from Côte d'Azur University, Nice, France, where he received a PhD on his project "Functional analysis of root-knot nematode effectors and their plant targets." We are looking forward to the expertise that Joffrey will bring to our team on effector biology and effector targets in plants.
Baum lab alum, William Rutter, USDA ARS Nematologist Recently Featured in USDA Video on Guava Root Knot Nematode Research
February 19, 2021
Recently, USDA ARS Nematologist, and Baum lab alum, William Rutter was featured in a YouTube video segment on his research into the Guava Root Knot Nematode, Meloidogyne enterolobii. In the video, Dr. Rutter highlights the reasons for studying M. enterolobii, which is becoming a major threat in the southeastern U.S. on sweet potato, as well as other vegetable crops, along with soybean and cotton. It is a recent invasive species in this growing region, and much is needed in the way of basic research in understanding how to control this pathogen. Dr. Rutter's research is aiming to develop new germplasm which will hopefully lead to new resistant varieties of crops to help combat the nematode.
Baum Lab Awarded Iowa Soybean Research Center Funding
October 20, 2020
The Baum lab has been funded for a two-year project on "Mechanisms of defense suppression by cyst nematode effectors,” by the Iowa Soybean Research Center. This research will focus on determining how a small group of molecules called effectors that are produced by cyst nematodes suppress or inactivate plant immunity. Understanding how the effectors interfere with plant defenses may reveal strategies to strengthen natural plant defense mechanisms.
For more on the Iowa Soybean Research Center and their recent funding history, please see the following news article.
Baum Lab Awarded A NSF Plant Biotic Interactions Grant
October 6, 2020
The Baum Lab, in collaboration with the Roger Innes Lab, Indiana University, was recently awarded a NSF Plant Biotic Interactions Grant for a research proposal entitled Use of the PBS1 Decoy System to Engineer Resistance to Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. We look forward to collaborating with the Innes Lab on this exciting new project!
Plant Pathology and Microbiology celebrate Thomas Baum's 15 year term as chair
February 26, 2020
The Plant Pathology and Microbiology Department recently held a celebration to honor Thomas Baum's 15 year term as it's chair. Baum recently announced that he is turning over this role to Dr. Gwyn Beattie, who will serve as interim chair until a permanent chair has been chosen. Dr. Greg Tylka will serve as interim associate chair. The departments of Plant Pathology and Microbiology and Entomology have made plans to join into one department, to be chaired by a new faculty member to be named after a national search. Dr. Baum has served as chair of the department since 2005. He is looking forward to re-joining his role as full time faculty member in the department.
ISU scientists overcome repetitive DNA to sequence the genome of devastating soybean pest
February 10, 2020
AMES, Iowa – It was like putting together a jigsaw puzzle for which all the pieces are identical, but with only one solution.
Iowa State University researchers overcame the quirks of the soybean cyst nematode’s DNA to sequence its genome, paving the way for better management practices to combat the No. 1 pest that threatens Iowa soybeans. The research was published recently in the peer-reviewed journal BMC Genomics.