DoGPack: The discontinuous Galerkin software package
Description: DoGPack is a software package developed in my own research group. DoGPack is a code written in object-oriented C++ and Python for solving hyperbolic partial differential equations via the discontinuous Galerkin method. This package is freely available for download at the following website:
MeshGenC++: An Unstructured Grid Generator
Description: MeshGenC++ is a software package developed in my own research group. MeshGenC++ is a code written in object-oriented C++ and Python for generating unstructured meshes (2D = triangles, 3D = tetrahedrals). This code is fully compatible with DoGPack. This package is freely available for download at the following website:
Contributions to the CLAWPACK Software Package
Description: CLAWPACK (Conservation LAW PACKage) is a software package written by Randall J. LeVeque at the University of Washington. CLAWPACK is a set of Fortran 95 codes for solving hyperbolic partial differential equations. This code has been applied to many application problems including acoustics, gas dynamics, incompressible Navier-Stokes, relativistic gas dynamics, general relativity, ideal magnetohydrodynamics, detonation waves, and many more. This package is freely available for download at the following website:
http://www.clawpack.org (written by LeVeque)
In order to learn more about both the theory and implementation issues related to CLAWPACK, I recommend reading Randall J. LeVeque's book:
Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems
Series: Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics (No. 31)
Extensions of CLAWPACK that I have written:
- CLAWMAN (with D.S. Bale): Code for solving hyperbolic PDEs on curved manifolds
- sphereCLAW: Code for solving hyperbolic PDEs on the sphere using a six grid cubed sphere approach
- MHDCLAW: Code for solving the ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations using a constrained transport approach