
Bardhan group summer 2024

Nanophotonics and Nanomedicine Lab

Lab News


December: Paper Announcement - Our collaborative paper with Prof. Surya Mallapragada is now online in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. Congratulations Siddhant for your contributions to this paper. 

September: Paper Announcement - Congratulations Siddhant and co-authors. Our collaborative paper is now online in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.

August: Paper Announcement - Congratulations Gabe and co-authors. Our paper in collaboration with Prof. Bhumi Singh is now online in Angewandte Chemie.

August: Paper Announcement - Our collaborative roadmap review article on plasmonic nanoparticles with ~50 authors is now online in Nanoscale Horizons. Congratulations Siddhant for your contributions to this review. 

August: Paper Announcement - Our collaborative review article with Prof. Uthaman is now online in Biomaterials Science.

July: Paper Announcement - Our collaborative paper is now online in Bioengineering and Translational Medicine. Congratulations Ansuja, Gabe and co-authors.

April: Promotion - It is official. Dr. Bardhan has been promoted to Full Professor!

April: Paper Announcement - Congratulations Saji and co-authors. Our paper in collaboration with Profs. Mike Wannemuehler, Greg Philips, and Ratul Chowdhury is now online in ACS Nano.

March: Paper Announcement - Our collaborative paper with Prof. Rafat at Vanderbilt is now online in Biomaterials


September: Funding announcement - The lab has received a NIH R21 grant with PI, Dr. Marian Kohut, to study transcriptomic and metabolomic measures to identify pathways by which exercise influences immune response to vaccination.

September: Paper Announcement - Congratulations Saji and co-authors. Our collaborative paper in Biomaterials Science is now online.

September: Paper Announcement - Congratulations Sherwin, Saman and co-authors. Our collaborative paper with Pint Lab in ACS Applied Nanomaterials is now online.

August: Paper Announcement - Congratulations Gabe and co-authors. Our paper in Analytical Chemistry is now online.

August: Paper Announcement - Congratulations Lilly, Saman, and co-authors. Our paper in ACS Applied Materials is now online.

August: Paper Announcement - Congratulations Saman and co-authors. Our paper in Bioengineering and Trans. Med. is now online.

June: Paper Announcement - Congratulations Gabe, Saji, Nora, Siddhant and Xioana. Our review article in Chemical Reviews is now online.

April: Paper Announcement - Congratulations Saji and co-authors. Our paper in J. Indus. Eng. Chem. is now online.

March: Paper Announcement - Congratulations Xiaona, Gabe, Saji and co-authors. Our paper in Small is now online.

January: Funding announcement - The lab has received a CDMRP Discovery grant with co-PI's Prof. Mike Wannemuehler, Prof. Greg Philips, and Dr. Saji Uthaman to pursue work in inflammatory bowel disease. 


December: Paper Announcement - Congratulations Saji and co-workers - Our paper in  Biomaterials Science is now online.

August: Funding Announcement - The lab has received a 3 year NSF grant with co-PI's Dr. Saji Uthaman, Prof. Don Sakaguchi, and Prof. Anwesha Sarkar to design nanocarriers for drug delivery.

August: Paper Announcement - Congratulations to Saji, Gabe, and Saman - our review article in ACS Applied Mater. and Interfaces on NK cell interfacing with nanomaterials is now online.

February: Funding announcement: We received the Margaret B. Barry Cancer Research award at ISU with Prof. Greg Phillips to engineer probiotics for cancer diagnostics and therapy. Look forward to a great collaboration!


November: Congratulations Xiaona Wen for successfully defending your Ph.D. We wish you the best at Merck.

October: Welcome Siddhant Kothadiya, new CBE student, to the Bardhan Group.

June: Welcome Saman Ghazvini. She finally made it here to the US. We are excited to have her here.

February: Dr. Bardhan has been elected as the Secretary/Treasurer for AIChE's Nanoscale Science & Engineering Forum. Glad to serve the Chemical Engineering community in this leadership role.

January: Dr. Bardhan is honored to be appointed as Associate Editor of ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 

January: We have 4 new members who has joined the lab: Dr. Saji Uthaman, Dr. Nora Hassan, Lilly Synan, and Gabriel Cutshaw. Welcome folks and onwards to good science.....


October: Thank you ISU College of Engineering and CBE Dept. for highlighting my recent awards through this wonderful new release. I appreciate the support.

September: Funding Announcement - Hurray, the group received a NIH R01 grant through NIBIB to design immunoactive nanoparticles for immunotherapy response. We will collaborate with Dr. Anna Vilgelm at Ohio State Medical Center, and Dr. Thad Wadas at University of Iowa Radiology.

August: Funding Announcement - We received CDMRP Idea award grant through peer-reviewed cancer research program to pursue metabolic imaging in colorectal cancer organoids. We will collaborate with Dr. Jonathan Mochel and Dr. Soumik Sarkar at ISU, and Dr. Bhumi Singh at Vanderbilt Medical Center.

August: Congratulations Xiaona and former student May, their paper on Raman spectroscopy metabolic imaging is now online in Chemical Science.

August: Funding Announcement - We received NIH R21 grant through NICHD to predict preterm labor in pregnant patients via biomarker analysis. We will collaborate with Dr. Mark Santillan at University of IA, and Dr. Jeff Reese at Vanderbilt Medical Center.

July: Funding Announcement - We received Dept. of Energy funding with Dr. Jayde Aufrecht at Pacific Northwest National Lab to design biodiagnostics for SARS-COV2. We are so excited to have this collaborative opportunity. 

May: Congratulations Xiaona, her PRADA paper is published in Bioengineering and Translational Medicine. 

January: The CBE department did a great story on me highlighting our paper in ACS Nano and Trends in Biotech and a warm welcome to be a Cyclone.

January: I am humbled and honored to be recognized by my Alma mater, Westminster College, as one of 40 Women Honorees in 40 Years. Thank you for this recognition.

January: Congratulations May, her immunoimaging and response to immunotherapy paper is published in ACS Nano


December: Excited to share our review article in Trends in Biotech on Immunoimaging with Nanoparticles is now online

May: Congratulations Dr. May Ou graduated with a Ph.D.

April: Congratulations May received the Outstanding Graduate Student award through the department.

February: Our collaborative paper with Prof. Leon Bellan is accepted in Biomaterials Science.


November: Dr. Bardhan will be delivering invited talks at AIChE, Rice University, and Washington University.

September: Funding Announcement: Dr. Bardhan  received a collaborative STTR Phase I grant with AEgis Technologies through the Air Force.

August: Dr. Bardhan delivered the keynote lecture at the Nanoscience Symposium at IA State University

August: Congratulations Dr. Naiya Soetan, she successfully defended her Ph.D.

July: Congratulations Naiya, her paper on perovskite nanocrystals is accepted in ACS Photonics.

June: Dr. Bardhan gave an invited talk at the Metal Nanoparticles Gordon Research Conference.

June: Congratulations May, her in vivo Raman imaging paper is published in Nanoscale.

May: Congratulations Dr. Holly Zarick, she graduated with a Ph.D.

April: Funding Announcement: May and Dr. Bardhan received a VICTR intramural grant

March: Funding Announcement: Dr. Bardhan received a pilot grant through Engineering Immunity TIPS Program at Vanderbilt to pursue work on combinatorial photothermal immunotherapies.

February: Funding Announcement: Dr. Bardhan received a CDMRP Career Development Award to pursue research in multimodal multiplexed immunoimaging.

February: We have a collaborative paper published with Prof. Matt Lang.

February: Congratulations Will – his paper is now accepted in J. Phys. Chem. C

February: Congratulations Holly, Naiya, and Will – our invited Review article is published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A.

Old News