Computational and Applied Mathematics Seminar
Fall 2024
Mondays at 2:15-3:05p.m (in-person (Room Carver 401) or ZOOM/WebEx talks)
The CAM Seminar is organized in the ISU Mathematics Department. It brings speakers from inside and outside of ISU, raising issues and exchanging ideas on topics of current interest in the area of computational and applied mathematics.
- September 23
Title: The "Fear" Effect in Competition Systems: Theory and Applications to Avian Invasions
Vaibhava Srivastava, Iowa State University
Abstract: Non-consumptive co-occurrence effects, such as fear of depredation, can strongly influence predator-prey dynamics. There are several ecological and social motivations for these effects in competitive systems as well. In this work, we consider the classic two species ODE and PDE Lotka-Volterra competition models, where one of the competitors is "fearful" of the other. We find that the presence of fear can have several interesting dynamical effects on the classical competitive scenarios. Notably, for fear levels in certain regimes, we show novel bi-stability dynamics. Furthermore, in the spatially explicit setting, the effects of several spatially heterogeneous fear functions are investigated. In particular, we show that under certain integral restrictions on the fear function, a weak competition-type situation can change to competitive exclusion. Applications of these results to ecological settings are discussed, which connect to the "landscape of fear" (LOF) concept in ecology. Using the test case of Northern Spotted and Barred Owl populations in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, we evaluate if this fear (co-occurrence) model can generate more robust population estimates than previous models. We then evaluate if potential co-occurrence effects among barred and northern spotted owls are uni- or bi-directional. Lastly, we leverage the best-performing model to evaluate the degree to which a recently proposed barred owl culling program may help recover northern spotted owl populations.
- September 30
- October 05-06
SIAM Annual Meeting for Central States Section. University of Missouri–Kansas City.
- October 07
- October 14
Cheng Wang, Iowa State University
- October 21
- October 28
Julia Cen, Iowa State University
- November 04
- November 11
Enrique Alvarado, Iowa State University
- November 18
Ping He, Iowa State University
- December 02
- September 06 (Friday, 2-4pm, Carver 294)
Title: Achieving Success with NSF Funding
Hailiang Liu (ISU, NSF)
Abstract: Join us for an in-depth exploration of the diverse funding opportunities provided by the National Science Foundation(NSF). We will offer insider insights on crafting effective grant applications and identify common pitfalls to avoid. This talk is to engage both faculty and students, providing knowledge to enhance your grant-seeking efforts. There will be ample time for questions and interactive discussions.