R packages Developed by Our Research Group
- Anomaly detection and repairing for COVID-19 data: cdcar v1.0
- Over the past few months, the outbreak of COVID-19 has been expanding over the world. A reliable and accurate dataset of the cases is vital for scientists to conduct related research and for policymakers to make better decisions. We collect the U.S. COVID-19 daily reported data from four open sources: the New York Times, the COVID-19 Data Repository by Johns Hopkins University, the COVID Tracking Project at the Atlantic, and the USAFacts, then compare the similarities and differences among them.
- To obtain reliable data for further analysis, Wang, et al. (2020) examined the cyclical pattern and the following anomalies, which frequently occur in the reported cases: (1) the order dependencies violation, (2) the point or period anomalies, and (3) the issue of reporting delay.
- To address these detected issues, we develop this cdcar R package to provide some anomaly detection and repairing methods if corrections are necessary. In addition, we integrate the COVID-19 reported cases with the county-level auxiliary information of the local features from official sources, such as health infrastructure, demographic, socioeconomic, and environment information, which are also essential for understanding the spread of the virus.
- For public usage, a Github repository is established to provide daily updated and cleaned data.
Wang, G., Gu, Z., Li, X., Yu, S. Kim, M., Wang, Y., Gao, L. and Wang, L. (2020). Comparing and integrating US COVID-19 data from
multiple sources with anomaly detection and repairing. [arXiv: 2006.01333]
- Spatiotemporal epidemic model (STEM): STEM v1.0
- Wang, et al. (2020) established a new spatiotemporal epidemic modeling (STEM) framework for space-time infected/death count data to study the dynamic pattern in the spread of COVID-19. The proposed methodology can be used to dissect the spatial structure and dynamics of spread, as well as to assess how this outbreak may unfold through time and space.
Wang, L., Wang, G., Gao, L., Li, X., Yu, S. Kim, M., Wang, Y. and Gu, Z. (2020). Spatiotemporal dynamics, nowcasting and forecasting of COVID-19 in the United States. [arXiv: 2004.14103]
- Triangulation in 2D domains: Triangulation v1.0
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This R package performs the triangulation for any arbitrary polygonal domain.
Lai, M. J. and Wang, L. (2013). Bivariate penalized splines for regression. Statistica Sinica, 23, 1399-1417.
This R package provides the bivariate spline basis functions and implements the bivariate penalized spline smoothing over triangulation in Lai and Wang (2013).
Lai, M. J. and Wang, L. (2013). Bivariate penalized splines for regression. Statistica Sinica, 23, 1399-1417.
Yu, S., Wang, G., Wang, L., Liu, C. and Yang, L. (2020). Estimation and inference for generalized geoadditive models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Theory and Methods, 115, 761-774.
Wang, L., Wang, G., Lai, M. J. and Gao, L. (2020). Efficient estimation of partially linear models for data on complicated domains by bivariate penalized splines over triangulation. Statistica Sinica, 30, 347-369.
Lai, M. J. and Wang, L. (2013). Bivariate penalized splines for regression. Statistica Sinica, 23, 1399-1417.
- Generalized spatially varying coefficient models: GSVCM v1.0 [Under Development]
Mu, J., Wang, G. and Wang, L. (2018). Estimation and inference in spatially varying coefficient models. Environmetrics, 29:e2485.
Kim, M. and Wang, L. (2020). Generalized spatially varying coefficient models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. In press.