Current Grant Support

Title: Protein Sequence Matching (R01)

Role: PI


Duration: February 1, 2018-January 31, 2023


Title: Novel Use of Genome Information to Understand Mutations (R01)

Role: PI

Agency: HGRI-NIH

Duration: September 13, 2021 - June 30, 2026

Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)

Award amount: $480,608; five-year project, estimated total award of $2,343,048

The proliferation of low-cost genome sequencing is creating a wealth of data that this proposal, spearheaded by Curtiss Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology, intends to put to good use to gain a better understanding of disease mutations. The purpose of this NHGRI-funded project is to apply basic scientific advances in our understanding of protein structures, sequences, dynamics and binding to develop prediction software and databases that can aid directly in clinical disease interpretation. The ability to accomplish this is strongly supported by preliminary results demonstrating that mutants destructive of function, and their mechanisms of action, can be more reliably identified than is currently being done. Jernigan and his team will employ new, highly innovative and unique multi-faceted approaches that will produce translatable methods for screening neutral and disease mutants, while also making more reliable identifications of function. These approaches will also predict the effect of mutations that have not been previously reported. Overall, the project will meet the challenge of producing a gold standard against which to judge the phenotypic disease consequences of genetic variation.

Relevant grand challenge themes:

  • Enabling healthy lives (plants, animals, people, communities)
  • Advancing data-driven discovery 



Title: Statistical Methods for Higher Order Dependences to Understand Protein Functions (R01)

Role: Co-PI  (PI: Wen Zhao)


Duration: September 1,2021 – August 31, 2024


Title: Novel Systems Approach for Rational Engineering of Robust Microbial Pathways

Role: Co-PI (PI: Laura Jarboe)

Agency: DOE

Duration:  September 1, 2021 - August 31, 2024


Title: Defining the architecture of the Pyk2 activation complex

Role: Co-PI (PI: Eric Underbakke)

Agency: NSF-MCB

Duration: September 15, 2017 – September 14, 2022


Title: Defining the structural organization of the polysaccharide-synthesizing multiprotein complexes localized in Golgi

Role: Co-PI (PI: Olga Zabotina)


Duration: 2019-2022