Brookhaven National Laboratory
Brookhaven laboratory is home to many experiments including the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider(RHIC) and the National Synchrotron Light source (NSLS).
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Fermilab is home to the Tevatron, Mini Booser Neutrino Experiment, and SciBar Booster Neutrino Experiment.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
SLAC in home to the BaBar experiment and the SSRL whcih was used to discover the J/ψ partical.
LNS at Cornell University
CLASSE is home to the Laboritroy for Elementary-Partical Physics(LEPP) and the Cornell High-Energy Synchrotron Source(CHESS).
Cern is currently building the Large Hadron Collider(LHC) which should turn on in mid 2008.
Desy Laboratory
Desy lab works on my aspecst of modern High-Ennegy physics including Accelerator R&D, Data analysis and Detector R&D.