I teach courses that focus on data visualization, geospatial analysis, spatial data science and interactive mapping. Recent technologies covered in my courses include Leaflet.js, QGIS, R (including TidyCensus, ggplot2, and tmap), OpenStreetMap editing, GeoJSON.io and Tableau
University For-Credit Courses (during appointment as a tenured/tenure track faculty)
*Lead instructor unless noted otherwise. Updated November 2024
- 2013 - p LA/CRP 458/558: Web Mapping and Spatial Data Visualization, Iowa State University, 3 credits, 4+ contact hours. Seven offerings, 95 students. First year was traditional classroom, course was then converted to all-online delivery. The 458 undergraduate section was dropped in 2020.
- 2004 - 14 CRP 451/551: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, Iowa State University, 3 credits. 4+ contact hours. Ten offerings, 207 students. First two years were dual DVD/Classroom, Course then converted to all-online delivery.
- 2009 LA 478K: 3D Modeling, Iowa State University, 3 credits, 4 contact hours. One offering. 18 students (co-taught with C. Rogers, M. Miller and D. Johnston).
- 2005 - 11 CRP 553: Analytical Planning and Visualization with GIS, Iowa State University, 3 credits, 4 contact hours. Six offerings, 53 students. The last year was converted to all-online delivery.
- 2006 LA 211x: Digital Design Exploration in Landscape Architecture, Iowa State University, 3 credits. 4 contact hours. One offering. 46 students.