

Books Chapters

  1. Seeger, Christopher J. (2018). Landscape perception, participatory design and user generated content:  Collecting user-generated walking and biking route preference data through re-purposed apps, custom coding, and open source mapping tools. Chapter in Codify: Parametric and Computational Design in Landscape Architecture. editors Bradley Cantrell and Adam Mekies. 1st Edition. Routledge.
  2. Seeger, Christopher J. (2017). Volunteered Geographic Information Systems in Planning. In Claudia Yamu (Editor), Alenka Poplin (Editor), Oswald Devisch (Editor), Gert De Roo (Editor). The Virtual and the Real in Planning and Urban Design: Perspectives, Practices and Applications, (Chapter 14). Routledge.
  3. 2016. Seeger, Christopher J. Citizens as Scientists Focus in McKnight’s Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation, 12th Edition by Darrel Hess.

Journals and Papers (selected)

  1. Dunn, Austin; Hanson, Bailey; Seeger, Christopher J. (2018). Evaluating Walkability in the Age of Open Data: OpenStreetMap and Community-level Transportation Analysis. JoDLA − Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture. PP 119-128. doi:10.14627/537642013
  2. Kalvelage, K., Dorneich, M.C.,Seeger, C.J. et al. (2017) Assessing the validity of facilitated-volunteered geographic information: comparisons of expert and novice ratings. GeoJournal. PP 1-12.
  3. Seeger, Christopher J. (2016). Participatory Mapping through I-WALK as a Means to Identify the Perceptions and Mobility of Older Adults in the Built Environment.The Journal of the Centre for Accessible Environments. 146, pp 26-27. October 2016.
  4. Seeger, Christopher J. (2015). Improving Community Walkability Through University Outreach, Technology and Crowdsourcing. Landscape Research Record. 4:1, pp 223-228. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. 
  5. Seeger, Christopher J., C. Lillehoj, A. Jensen, S. Wilson, L. R. Levinson. (2014). I-WALK: An Innovative Approach to Community Walkability, Journal of Extension. 52:4. Article 4IAW7
  6. Seeger, Christopher J. and Julia Badenhope. (2014). Facilitated-VGI, Smartphones and GeoDesign: Tools for Coalition Building and Community Infrastructure Mapping. International Digital Landscape Conference for Landscape Architecture and Planning: Developing Digital Methods in GeoDesign. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Presented May 2014. Zurich, Switzerland. Top 5 Scientific Paper.
  7. Seeger, Christopher J. and Julia Badenhope. (2014). Crowdsourcing Systems Information: Strategies Utilizing Technology to Involve Users in Pedestrian System Inventory and Analysis. National Tools of the Trade: Transportation Planning in Small and Medium Sized Communities conference, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science and Engineering(ADA 30) Burlington, Vermont.Top Conference Paper Presentation: Best Transportation Planning Tools from the 14th National Tools of the Trade Conference.
  8. Balassiano, Katia, Christopher J. Seeger. (2014). Empowering newcomers with low-tech workshops and high-tech analyses," Journal of Community Informatics. Vol. 10, No. 3 Special Issue: Community Informatics and Urban Planning.
  9. Welk GJ, Meredith MD, Ihmels M and Seeger C. (2010). Distribution of Health-Related Physical Fitness in Texas Youth: A Demographic and Geographic Analysis, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81:3, pp.S6-S15.
  10. Seeger, Christopher J., Greg Welk, Susan Erickson. (2009). Assessing the Built Environment Using GPS, Physical Activity Monitors and Geospatial Surveys. International Journal of Geoinfomatics. 5:1, pp. 41-48.