Priority Design for Engineering Colleges in India (w/ O. Aygün), Indian Economic Review, 2023, 58: 5-15.
Assignment Maximization (w/ O. Afacan and I. Bó), Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2023, 25 (1): 123-138.
How to De-reserve Reserves: Admissions to Technical Colleges in India (w/ O. Aygün), Management Science, 2022, 69 (19): 6147-6164.
Extended Abstract: How to De-reserve Reserves: Admissions to Technical Colleges in India (w/ O. Aygün), Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Economics and Computation, 2022 (EC 2022).
Parallel Markets in School Choice (w/ O. Afacan, P. Evdokimov, and R. Hakimov), Games and Economic Behavior, 2022.
Slot-specific Priorities with Capacity Transfers (w/ M. Avataneo), Games and Economic Behavior, 2021, 129: 536-548.
Dynamic Reserves in Matching Markets (w/ O. Aygün), Journal of Economic Theory, 2020.
Welfare and Incentives in Partitioned School Choice Markets, Games and Economic Behavior, 2019.
Large Scale Affirmative Action in School Choice: Admissions to IITs in India (w/ O. Aygün), American Economic Review P&P, 2017.
Two School Systems, One District: What to do when a unified admissions process is impossible (w/ V. Manjunath), Games and Economic Behavior, 2016.
On relationships between substitutes conditions (w/ O. Afacan), Economics Letters, 2015.
Policy Articles
Challenges of executing EWS reservations efficiently (w/ O. Aygün and M. Bumin Yenmez) Hindi Version (लेख)
Improving admissions to technical colleges in India (w/ O. Aygün and M. Bumin Yenmez)
Working Papers
Affirmative Action in India: Restricted Strategy Space, Complex Constraints, and Direct Mechanism Design (w/ O. Aygün) R&R, Journal of Economic Theory.
Gradual Matching with Affirmative Action (w/ K. Manocha) Submitted.
How to Implement Soft Reserves in India: A Market Design Approach with Historical Perspective (w/ O. Aygün).