We offer the following services:
Fungicide Field Plots - $125 per plot (minimum of 4 replications) includes:
- Fungicide seed treatment evaluations
- All field preparation and weed control
- Emergence at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after planting (dap)
- Plant height at 28 dap
- Seedling disease evaluations at 28 dap
- Yield
- Other data upon request ( at additional cost, possibly)
- Additional fee for evaluation of materials requiring extra labor to apply – check with
Alison Robertson or John Shriver
2. Foliar fungicide evaluations (corn)
- All field preparation and weed control
- Application of foliar fungicide treatments at VT, VT + 7 days, VT +14 days
- Foliar disease severity on ear leaf at VT (unsprayed check plots only), 3 – 4 weeks after fungicide application
- Incidence of anthracnose top dieback
- Stalk rot severity
- Yield
- Other data upon request (at additional cost, possibly)
- Additional application timings or replications upon request (at additional cost, possibly)
Disease Resistance Field Plots - $175 per plot (minimum of 4 replications) includes:
1. Evaluation of resistance traits
- All field preparation and weed control
- Disease severity evaluations (Assessment times depend on disease being evaluated)
- Yield
Prices are subject to change without notice. To confirm pricing and make arrangements for service please contact either Alison Robertson or John Shriver