
Iowa State UniversityIowa State University

Iowa State University is the nation's most student-centered public research university. 100 majors. 800 clubs. 1 amazing adventure.




Crop Protection NetworkHome - Crop Protection Network

The Crop Protection Network is a multi-state and international collaboration that provide unbiased, research-based information on crop diseases.




Corn ProductionCorn Production

University research and extension are critical in equipping producers and agronomists with the information they need to continue advancing corn production in Iowa. Incorporating new scientific findings and recommendations into today's agricultural systems must be our priority to consistently produce a high quality crop that is also economically feasible.



Plant Pathology and MicrobiologyPlant Pathology and Microbiology

Iowa State University Plant Pathology and Microbiology departmental website.





Integrated Crop Management NewsIntegrated Crop Management News

Information about crop management, including special information about pest management and seasonal conditions.





Integrated Pest ManagementIntegrated Pest Management

This web site provides Integrated Pest Management (IPM) information from Iowa State University (ISU) Extension and Outreach, the ISU College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and its many departments and programs.