Steven A Freeman
- University Professor
Contact Info
Departmental Responsibilities
Occupational Safety at ISU
- I coordinate the Occupational Safety Option of the Industrial Technology degree and the Occupational Safety Certificate Program.
ABE Graduate Programs
- I am the Director of Graduate Education for the departmental graduate programs in Agricultural and Biosytems Engineering and Industrial and Agricultural Technology.
Research Interests
Safety and Health Research Agenda
My safety research agenda is to improve the safety and welfare of rural populations and workers by understanding the factors (environmental, technological, and human) that impact their safety and welfare in order to develop appropriate intervention strategies. This encompasses the areas of occupational safety, rural safety, and safety education/training. My primary interest is in applied research and technology/information transfer activities that impact the safety and health of agriculture and rural communities.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Agenda
My scholarship of teaching and learning agenda is to improve the process of learning and the learning environment. This encompasses learning communities, curriculum development, and classroom assessment. I also have a specific interest in computer applications related to safety education and the dissemination of safety information.