
Serão Genomics Lab

Welcome to Serão Genomics Lab

PeopleIn the Serão Genomics Lab we are interested in creating a better world by training students and doing research on a variety of novel projects!

Our research is focused on quantitative genetics and genomics of complex traits, such as disease/stress response and fertility in livestock animals; QTL mapping; Genomic prediction/selection; Gene expression analysis; Statistical methods for genomic analyses; Big Data; Modeling of immune response, and infectious diseases; Principles of Experimentation.

Check the Becoming an Animal Scientist and Statistician YouTube Channel!


01/14/2021 Congratulations to Ms. Leticia Sanglard! Ms. Sanglard received the prestigious Graduate College Excellence in Teaching Award. Read more about it here!

01/13/2021 New paper from our Lab! Click here to read more about "Phenotypic and genomic relationships between vulva score categories and reproductive performance in first-parity sows"

12/03/2020 Congratulations to Ms. Leticia Sanglard! Ms. Sanglard received the prestigious 2020 Lauren L. Christian Memorial Graduate Student Award from the National Swine Improvement Association (NSIF). Great job!

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