
Undergraduate Student Networks

  • Smith, R.A., Brown, M.G., Schiltz, J.J., Sowl, S., Schulz, J.M., & Grady, K.A. (2023). The value of interpersonal network continuity for college students in disruptive times. Innovative Higher Education.
  • Brown, M.G., Smith, R.A., Reason, R.D., Sowl, S. & Grady, K.A. (2022). How constructions of interpersonal responsibility shape undergraduate student networks in times of social distancing. American Behavioral Scientist.
  • Smith, R.A., Brown, M.G., Grady, K.A., Sowl, S., Schulz, J.M. (2022). Patterns of undergraduate student interpersonal interaction network change during the COVID-19 pandemic. AERA Open, 8(1), 1-17.
  • Brown, M. & Ellison, N. (2021). Inequality in access to information about college: How low-income first-year college students’ use social media for seeking and sharing information about college. In. Handbook of Digital Inequality. Hargittai, Eszter, (Ed.), Edward Elgar Press.
  • Brown, M. (2019). The push and pull of social gravity: How peer relationships form around an undergraduate science lecture. Review of Higher Education. 43:2, p. 603-632.
  • Brown, M. and DeMonbrun, R.M. (2019) Who gets helped? The opportunity structure of the physics classroom, peer instruction, and perceptions of helping. Journal of College Science Teaching. 49:2, p. 36-44.
  • Smith, R.A.  (2018). Connective segregation:  Residential learning communities as networks of engagement. The Review of Higher Education, 42(1), 1-27.
  • Brown, M.G., DeMonbrun, R. M. & Teasley, S. (2018). Conceptualizing co-enrollment: Accounting for student experiences across the curriculum. Proceedings of the 8th annual Learning Analytics and Knowledge conference. Melbourne, AU.
  • Brown, M., Wohn, D.Y., and Ellison, N. (2016). Without a map: College access and the online practices of youth from low-income communities. Computers & Education. 92-93. 104-116.
  • Smith, R.A. (2015). Magnets and seekers:  A network perspective on academic integration. The Journal of Higher Education, 86(6), 893-992.
  • Ellison, N., Wohn, D.Y., and Brown, M. (July/August 2014). Social Media and College Access. ACM Interactions.  Vol. XXI.4. New York, NY: ACM.
  • Smith, R..A. (2011). Learning community transitions in the first year:  A case study of academic and social network change. Journal of the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 23(2), 13-31.

Network Theory, Measurement, & Assessment

  • Brown, M.G., & Smith, R.A. (2024). Campus ecological networks: Understanding patterns of relationships in learning, identity, and equity in college. Journal of College Student Development, 65(2), 137-154
  • Smith, R.A., & Tinto, V. (2022). Unraveling student engagement: Exploring its relational and longitudinal character. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory, and Practice.
  • Smith, R.A., & Vonhoff, C. (2019). Problematizing community:  A network approach to conceptualizing campus communities. Journal of College Student Development, 60(3), 255-270.

Topic & Citation Networks in Higher Education

  • Smith, R.A., & Brown, M.B. (2020). Far beyond postsecondary: Longitudinal analyses of topic and citation networks in the field of higher education studies. The Review of Higher Education, 44(2), 237-264. Article & data also here:
  • Smith, R.A. (2019). Structuring the conversations:  Using co-citation networks to trace 60 years of the Journal of College Student Development. Journal of College Student Development, 60(6), 695-717.
  • Brown, M. (2015). Mapping the Study of Blended Learning in Engineering Education. Proceedings of the 122nd meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education. June 2015. Seattle, WA.