Smith, R.A., Brown, M.G., Schiltz, J.J., Sowl, S., Schulz, J.M., & Grady, K.A. (2023). The value of interpersonal network continuity for college students in disruptive times. Innovative Higher Education.
Brown, M.G., Smith, R.A., Reason, R.D., Sowl, S. & Grady, K.A. (2022). How constructions of interpersonal responsibility shape undergraduate student networks in times of social distancing. American Behavioral Scientist.
Smith, R.A., Brown, M.G., Grady, K.A., Sowl, S., Schulz, J.M. (2022). Patterns of undergraduate student interpersonal interaction network change during the COVID-19 pandemic. AERA Open, 8(1), 1-17.
Brown, M. & Ellison, N. (2021). Inequality in access to information about college: How low-income first-year college students’ use social media for seeking and sharing information about college. In. Handbook of Digital Inequality. Hargittai, Eszter, (Ed.), Edward Elgar Press.
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Smith, R.A. (2018). Connective segregation: Residential learning communities as networks of engagement. The Review of Higher Education, 42(1), 1-27.
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Brown, M., Wohn, D.Y., and Ellison, N. (2016). Without a map: College access and the online practices of youth from low-income communities. Computers & Education. 92-93. 104-116.
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Smith, R..A. (2011). Learning community transitions in the first year: A case study of academic and social network change. Journal of the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 23(2), 13-31.
Network Theory, Measurement, & Assessment
Brown, M.G., & Smith, R.A. (2024). Campus ecological networks: Understanding patterns of relationships in learning, identity, and equity in college. Journal of College Student Development, 65(2), 137-154.
Smith, R.A., & Tinto, V. (2022). Unraveling student engagement: Exploring its relational and longitudinal character. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory, and Practice.
Smith, R.A., & Vonhoff, C. (2019). Problematizing community: A network approach to conceptualizing campus communities. Journal of College Student Development, 60(3), 255-270.
Smith, R.A. (2019). Structuring the conversations: Using co-citation networks to trace 60 years of the Journal of College Student Development. Journal of College Student Development, 60(6), 695-717.
Brown, M. (2015). Mapping the Study of Blended Learning in Engineering Education. Proceedings of the 122nd meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education. June 2015. Seattle, WA.