Nicole Taylor

Nicole Taylor

  • Lecturer
Dr. Taylor is a Counseling Psychologist with research and clinical interests in clinical training and supervision, gender and sexual orientation, health psychology, and social justice. She has been involved in the supervision and training of psychology students at the undergraduate, graduate, internship, and post-doctoral level. She has worked in private practice, counseling centers, hospitals, and academic institutions.

Dr. Taylor is a licensed psychologist and Health Service Provider in the state of Iowa and has a private practice focused on working with individuals and couples adjusting to parenthood and perinatal challenges, cancer, and a focus on working with members of the LGBTQ population.


Contact Info

901 Stange Rd


  • Ph.D., University of Maryland, 2008
  • M.A., University of Maryland, 2005
  • B.A., Smith College, 2001

Selected Recent Presentations:

Taylor, N. & Brownstone, L. M. (August 2022). Multicultural orientation: Supervision and training. In T. Raque (Chair), Applications of multicultural orientation to clinical practice [Skill-Building Session]. Presented at the 2022 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Division 17, Minneapolis, MN.

Kracen, A., Taylor, N., Lomax, J., & Krauter, C. (2022, March). Extending your reach: Expanding your private practice to include supervision and consultation. Presented virtually at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference, Portland, OR [virtual conference]. 

Ivey, L., Taylor, N., Kane, B., & Nelson, C. (2021, October). Providing supervision for intersectional identities of clinical trainees and their clients: A parallel process. Colorado Behavioral Health and Wellness Conference, Denver, CO. 

Vozar, T., Taylor, N., Van Arsdale, A., Gross, L., Hoff, E., Biermann, A. & Pinch, S. (2020, October). Let’s talk about it: One family’s experience of perinatal PTSD and a collaborative call to action. Marce Society International Conference, Iowa City, IA [virtual conference].

Muenks, E., Ash-Lee, S., Taylor, N., Burdick-Fields, C., Lai-O’Connell, A. (2020, March). Microaggressions moving to Microinterventions [Symposium cancelled]. American Psychosocial Oncology Society Annual Conference, Portland, OR.

Taylor, N., Raque-Bogdan, T., & Hoffman, M. (2019, August). Feminist Mentoring in Academia: Aspirations, Myths, and Challenges. Roundtable presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. 

Raque-Bogdan, T., Taylor, N., & Kracen, A. (2019, August). Cancer and Women's Intersecting Identities: A Case Example from Three Theoretical Frameworks. Roundtable presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Asay, P., Arseneau, J., Clarke, M., Davis, T., Taylor, N., & Wilson, T. (2019, August). Addressing sexual harassment of clinical trainees in an ethical, empowering, and compassionate way. Roundtable presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Taylor, N., Joseph, E., Ross, K.V., Engblom, H., Michl, T., Nelson, A., Rowold, H., Raque-Bogdan, T., & Kracen, A. (2019, March). ‘Pay Attention to What Energizes You’: Advice and Training Recommendations from a Qualitative Study of Psychologists in Oncology. Symposium presented at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Taylor, N. (Discussant), Muenks, E., Fields-Burdick, C., & Baskin, M. (2019, February). Microaggressions and Unconscious Bias: Impact on Patients and Clinicians in Oncology. Symposium presented at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference, Atlanta, GA.


Selected Publications:

Kracen, A., Nelson, A., Michl, T., Rowold, H., Taylor-Irwin, N., Raque, T. (2022). Perspectives of postdoctoral fellows: A qualitative study of clinical supervision in psycho-oncology. Psychological Services.   

Wells-DiGrigorio, S., Deshields, T., Flowers, S., Taylor-Irwin, N. E., Robbins, M., Johnson, R., Dwyer, M., Siston, A., Cooley, M., & Kayser, K. (2021). Development of a psychosocial oncology core curriculum for multidisciplinary education and training: Initial content validation using the modified Delphi Method. Psycho-Oncology. 2021;1–9.

Taylor-Irwin, N. E., & Kracen, A. (2021). Current Practices in Clinical Supervision in Psycho-Oncology. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice, 3(1), p. e044. doi: 10.1097/OR9.0000000000000044

Kracen, A., Raque-Bogdan, T., Taylor-Irwin, N. E., Rowald, H., Nelson, A., Michl, T., Ross, K., Engblom, H., Joseph, E. & (2020). Sustaining Factors, Rewards, and Challenges for Psychologists Providing Clinical Care in Psycho-Oncology. Psycho-Oncology, 29, 1564-1570.

Raque-Bogdan, T., Kracen, A., Taylor-Irwin, N. E., Joseph, E., Engblom, H., Ross, K., Michl, T., Nelson, A. & Rowald, H. (2019). You Can Only Go Full Speed for So Long:  The Career Development of Psychologists Working in Psychosocial Oncology Settings. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 26, 383-394.

Taylor-Irwin, N. E. (2017, May 10). Make Mental Health Support a Part of Cancer Care. US News and World Report. doi:…