
ISU Links

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Statistical journals on the web

Probability & Statistics journals on the webLinks to many statistics and probability journals
StatSci.orgList of statistics journals by Statistical Science Web
Researchindex/CiteSeerPS or PDF files of technical reports
Abbreviations of journalsAbbreviation of journals according to according to Mathematical Review


Find statisticians in the world

Belgian Statistical SocietyMembers of the Belgian Statistical Society
IMSTAT Members DirectoryMembers of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
AMSTAT Members DirectoryMembers of the American Statistical Association
IMSInstitute of Mathematical Statistics meetings


Other links, software books,...

R projecta free alternative for S-plus
MR Lookupa reference tool for linking
Books on statistics by Springerrecent prints by Springer on statistics
Free statistical softwarea list of free statistical software
László Györfi's homepagelinks and publications
Luc Devroye's homepagelinks and publications
Jean Opsomer's homepagepublications and projects
Gerard Biau's homepagelinks and projects
Non-Uniform Random Variate Generationbook by Luc Devroye (free)
Nonparametric Density Estimation: the L1 view   book by Luc Devroye & László Györfi