Tyndall Lab
We study People, Land Use and Society (PLUS). The PLUS lab is directed by Dr. John Tyndall, a natural resource economist and social scientist with broad interests in environmental and natural resource economics, policy and sociology within forestry, agriculture, and urban contexts.
*Student authors
Stephenson, M.D., Seibert, C.J.*, Zhang, G., Tyndall, J.C., O’Neal, M.E., and L.A. Schulte. (Accepted). Support for Agricultural Prairie Strips as Monarch Butterfly Habitat. Ecological Restoration.
Summers, H.N., Stone, T.F., Dickey, L.C.*, Rehmann, C.R., Zimmerman, E.K., Tyndall, J.C., Liu, L. (2024). Mapping Barriers to Food, Energy, and Water Systems Equity in the United States. Environmental Science and Policy.
Bravard, E.*, Zimmerman, E., Tyndall, J.C., James, D. (2024). Welcome to the new frontier: Introducing Extension to the next generation of conservation planning tools. Journal of Extension.
Nelson, J.*, Liebman, M., Niemi, J., Cruse, R., Tyndall, J.C., Witte, C., James, D. (2024). The influence of prairie strips sown in midwestern corn and soybean fields on sediment discharge throughout the year. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.
Olafasakin, O.*, Audia, E.*, Mba-Wright, M., Tyndall, J.C., Schulte, L.A. (2024) Techno-economic and life-cycle analysis of renewable natural gas derived from anaerobic digestion of grassy biomass: a U.S. Corn Belt watershed case study. Global Change Biology Bioenergy.
Lewis, M.*, Tyndall, J.C., Dodd, B., Weber, M. (2024). Economic evaluation of barriers to minimize reservoir sportfish escapement. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
Dinsmore, S., Delaney, D., Tyndall, J.C. (2024) Density, Population Trends, and Economic Impacts of White-tailed Deer in Iowa. A report in response to Iowa Senate File 581, submitted to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Iowa State University. 60p.
Magala, R.*; Miguez, F.; Tyndall, J.C., Schulte Moore, L.A. (2023) Modeling Carbon Dynamics in Corn Cropping Systems: Evaluation and Application Based on the Longest-Running Cropping System Experiment in North America. SSRN Elsevier.
Stone, T.*, Dickey, L.C.*, Summers, H.*, Thompson, J.R., Rehmann, C.R., Zimmerman, E., and JC Tyndall. (2023) A systematic review of social equity in FEWS analyses. Frontiers in Environmental Science.
Summers, Haleigh. 2023. Dissertation title: Identifying environmental, economic, and equity opportunities through a spatial lens. PhD. Graduate Program in Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Science. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Bogert, Melanie. 2023. Thesis title: Plant and Insect Community Responses to Manure Application in Prairies. MS. Graduate Program in Sustainable and Entomology. Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Kaardal, Morgan. 2023. Thesis Title: The other side of prairie strips: an exploration of the value of prairie strips to the beekeeping and hunting industries in Iowa. MS. Graduate Program in Sustainable Agriculture and Entomology. Iowa State University, Ames, IA.