

Swine Applied Innovations Laboratory

Our Goal

To develop innovative solutions to complex questions by applying scientific knowledge and implementing emerging technologies.


3 Goals

1. Improving Sow and Pig Livability 

2. Advancing Swine Nutrition

3. Accelerating the Adoption of Smart Farming


To improve livability, we aim to increase welfare resources in our studies by monitoring feed/water access and behavior. A second goal is increasing post-wean feed intake. We are working through feeding preference with sucrose and lactose and using automatic mat feeders to stimulate the bottom 20% of litters. 

To advance nutrition, we focus on functional dietary fiber, such as feeding soyhulls during gestation. Additional work focuses on pushing higher inclusions of soybean meal and validating the given energy of those products. 

To accelerate the adoption of smart farming, we focus on computer vision and data science. Using computer vision, post-weaning feeding behavior can be analyzed. Marketing strategies are also being optimized for economic growth. 

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Team Bonding

The SAIL team took on No Escape Iowa and completed an escape room in 41:04!

Call to Action (Small) Example

This call to action should be the last thing on your homepage. Use a short caption and one or two buttons to encourage your visitors to take the next step.