
Teaching Program

Geology for Engineers & Environmental Scientists (Geology 201).  2 credits. A large-enrollment (180-200 students) introductory-geology course.

Applied & Environmental Geophysics (Geology/CivilEngineering/EnSci 413/513) (see syllabus PDF). 3 credits. An introduction to the essential geophysical techniques of subsurface investigation. Students learn the basic principles and do a field project using a StrataView engineering seismograph and a Noggin 250/500 MHz geo-radar. The data are processed in the computer lab using real-world interpretation software. Students also do problem assignments and review articles from current periodicals.

Seismic Methods in Geology, Engineering, and Petroleum Exploration (Geology/CivilEngineering 439/539) (see syllabus PDF). 3 credits. A more in-depth (but still simple) insight into the methods of seismic exploration. I illustrate both shallow (engineering and environmental) and deep (petroleum-exploration) applications. Students work in the field with a StrataView seismograph and process the data in the computer lab. Problem assignments illustrate principal ideas of the seismic method; students also review journal articles showing typical applications.

Meteorological Instrumentation and Measurements (Meteorology 432) (see syllabus PDF). 3 credits. An elementary introduction to modern techniques of meteorological observations, including classic instruments, as well as lasers, radars, satellites, and remote sensing. The course includes guest lectures by meteorologists from the National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment and National Weather Service, as well as a field trip to a National Weather Service Forecast Office. Lab involves work with modern weather stations. The students conduct an independent research project on a measurement-related subject and present findings at a forum during the last week of the semester.