General Resources for Macroeconomics
and Financial Economics

Last Updated: 12 February 2025

Site Developed By:
Leigh Tesfatsion
Professor Emerita of Economics
Courtesy Research Professor of
    Electrical & Computer Engineering
Heady Hall 260
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011-1054
tesfatsi AT

Econ 502 (Master's Level Macro Theory):

Site Disclaimer:
The number of online sites providing macroeconomic and financial resources has now grown so large that it is no longer possible to provide a comprehensive up-to-date list. Below is collection of categorized annotated links to macro/financial resource sites maintained between 2000 and 2023 that visitors might find useful and/or of historical interest.

On-Line Resources

1.Provocative Sites for Thoughtful Young and Old(er) Economists

2. Macro and Financial Economics Websites with a Focus on the U.S.

A. Theoretical Retrospective and Prospective Outlooks

B. General Macro/Financial Policy Issues

C. Current Economic News

D. Data Sets and Data Analysis

E. Financial Markets and Institutions

F. Miscellaneous Other Sites

3. Websites Focusing on International Economic Data and Events

4. Websites Providing General Economic Resources

Sites Providing Access to Macroeconomic and Financial Publications

1. Contributed-Paper Economic Journals
Macro-oriented articles are sprinkled throughout most of the general mainstream economic journals such as the Journal of Political Economy (JPE), the International Economic Review (IER), and the American Economic Review (AER). More specialized articles can be found in the Journal of Monetary Economics (JME), the Journal of Public Economics (JPubE), the Journal of Public Economic Theory (JPET), the Journal of Economic Growth (JEG), Macroeconomic Dynamics (MD), the Journal of Labor Economics, the Journal of Macroeconomics, the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (JEDC), the Emerging Markets Review, the Review of Financial Economics, and the Global Finance Journal.

2. Journal of Economic Literature
Each issue of the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) begins with two or three invited survey articles on various economic topics. Articles appearing in recent journal issues are listed, sorted once by journal source and again by subject matter. Abstracts are provided for a selected subset of these articles. There is also a listing of recently published books relevant for economists, some of which are reviewed or abstracted.

3. Journal of Economic Perspectives
Each issue of the Journal of Economic Perspectives (JEP) contains an assortment of invited articles discussing current topics of interest. The articles tend to be well-written, lively, and informative expository introductions, with a minimum of technical detail, but with a useful list of references for further study. JEP can be obtained very cheaply (along with the AER and JEL) by becoming a member of the American Economic Association.

4. JSTOR Digital Library
The digital library JSTOR, part of the not-for-profit organization ITHAKA, provides online access to journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in numerous different disciplines.

Library Resources

1. U.S. Data
The Economic Report of the President (ERP), put out each February;
Economic Indicators (a monthly supplement to ERP);
Business Conditions Digest (monthly);
Survey of Current Business (monthly, Bureau of Economic Analysis);
Reports of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (branch of the Labor Department);
Federal Reserve Bulletin (put out by Federal Reserve Board).

2. International Data
Holdings by CARD at ISU;
United Nations publications (wide variety);
World Bank reports;
International Monetary Fund (IMF) reports.

Copyright © Leigh Tesfatsion. All Rights Reserved.